Preparing to Leave Oakdale for Montgomery Dear Friend, As Don was preparing to leave Oakdale Prison for his hearing in Montgomery, he sent friends a


Preparing to Leave Oakdale for Montgomery


Former Governor Don Siegelman Gardening at Oakdale Federal Prison

Dear Friend,

As Don was preparing to leave Oakdale Prison for his hearing in Montgomery, he sent friends and family, including me, a few final emails before he went incommunicado during transit. I believe that you might enjoy knowing Don's state of mind as he prepares for his trip to Montgomery.

These emails are full of concern and hope, sorrow at leaving good friends and relief at leaving a tough environment; they are full of humor and angst, and most of all, they are full of hope for the future.

I think you will enjoy them. Read on!

Anita Darden
Friends of Siegelman


From Don “. . . one last thought before I am taken out of communication for a while.”

“It’s the night before I leave on the magical CONAir Mystery Tour ending in Montgomery on the 15th. I am both uptight, because of the expectations of handcuffs, shackles and chains, the uncomfortable bus and plane. . .”

". . .Stuffed because my 'Home Boy', Sonny Breckenridge from Alabama, and a few others conjured up a delicious bowl of layered corn chips, chopped vegetables, cilantro, green bell peppers and jalapeño peppers and tomatoes, topped with beans, more chips, hot melted cheese, more corn chips, beef and sour cream and more veggies!


Don tells of ". . .The inmate, Steve, who just handed me a handwritten note which I am mailing to Joseph. The note says:

'When I see you I think back to meeting your son. And I wish he could see how you have carried yourself in here, despite all you have faced. . . . And from how you have inspired not only myself, but others here, I know your family would always be proud of your actions. Thank you for being an encouraging light, and always keeping things upbeat with a smile. It's made all the difference. . . .Your friend, Steve.' "

"There is another inmate who said, 'Gov, I'm going to miss you...but I hope I never see you again. Not here anyway.' "

And "the inmate that calls me 'The People's Champion.' He told me 'I have prayed and prayed for a angel. . .' "

One of the reasons Don is so popular with the inmates is that he spent a large amount of time helping inmates with their legal problems. Don says that "Prison is a lawyer's dream come true, except for the pay scale. Pro bono."

And finally there was the inmate who gave Don some parting advice, concerned that he might be confronted while in transit to Montgomery.

Don writes that “I was told tonight that ‘Everyone is going to think that you are a Chomo (somehow that's short for Child Molester). All old white men are immediately identified as a Chomo. If you are confronted, here's what you should say: 'Look [m---er], I am the governor of Alabama, what the [flip] is in your jacket [prison file]?' "

Well then! ‘Nuff said!


Don writes “First of all it is positive that this new judge wants to SEE me. Look, I tell my inmate friends, I have a new lawyer, new issues and a new judge. I then tell them about Fuller. . .and our long history of [political rivalry.] Then I explain that I've got three other possible issues that could come before this new judge, all to be heard in less than a month, on January 13th...a motion for a new trial, discovery or a sentence reduction...and this new judge will decide those issues. So even if I am not released, we will have met. It's all positive, one way or the other.”

To be continued. More stories from Don’s last days before leaving Oakdale will be coming in the next few days.

“Good night from Oakdale”

signature 120 blue

Federal Prisoner - 2018
Governor of Alabama, 1999-2003
Elected Twice, Inaugurated Once
Lt. Governor, 1995-1999
Attorney general, 1987-1991
Secretary of State, 1979-1987

Federal Prisoner till June, 2018;
Final Discharge-2021(With Your Help, this will not stand)


FPC P.O. Box 5010
Oakdale, LA 71463

cw logo 150

The Hearing

This hearing will take place in the
Federal Courthouse
1 Court Street
Montgomery, AL

December 15th, 2014
10:30 am


If you are planning to come to Montgomery on the 15th, please remember Don's request to be respectful of the legal process. Please attend the hearing, but understand that Don will not be able to chat or greet friends and supporters. Refrain from holding up signs or chanting or any other demonstration that might distract from the legal proceedings.


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