Hi Member, Nothing beats a good plan! School has started so there are no more excuses - it's time to get organised. I've been thinking about 2015:

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What will you be doing differently in 2016

Hi Member,

Nothing beats a good plan!

School has started so there are no more excuses - it's time to get organised.

I've been thinking about 2015: what worked, what didn't and what I'd like to change. And not only at work but also personally and family related.

My first step was to write down some goals & now I have to work out what changes I need to make to actually achieve the goals, which is what my first blog post for 2016 is all about: What will you be doing differently in 2016? The fact is - if you don't change anything...then nothing will change!

Also this week I've updated some essential resources to help get you organised: a 2016 Blank Monthly Calendar (because I can never find one that I like!); a 2016 Social Media Calendar; and a 2016 Blog Posting Calendar.

As I also think 2016 should be the year of the veterinary blog I've also compiled some resources to help you get started with your own blog.

There is also a fantastic opportunity from Turbo Charge Your Veterinary Practice to join the new 'Veterinary Business Academy'. If you weren't satisfied with your business results in 2015 - this may be the opportunity you're looking for!

So this week the theme is obvious - what are your goals for 2016 and how will you go about achieving them?

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover!

Enjoy your reading :)



Vetanswers Blog Post...

What will you be doing differently in 2016

What will you be doing differently in 2016?

If you weren't satisfied with 2015 then it's time to take control of 2016. You'll only be able to do that with set goals and a plan.....and now is the time to start.


Your 2016 Updated Resources...

2016 Monthly Calendar

2016 Monthly Calendar (word)

I can never find a Calendar that's easy to use with a layout that suits my needs so I've modified one to suit.

It's a word document with a Monday to Sunday layout and can be completely modified to suit your needs.

2016 Social Media Posting Calendar

Social Media Posting Calendar - January to December 2016 (excel)

Social media is an essential tool in your marketing kit but can be a disaster if not done well.
Take control of ALL the social media posts for your veterinary business with this easy to use excel document. It includes suggested monthly topics and allows you to plan and coordinate your posts across all social media channels to ensure a consistent message to your clients.


2016 is the year to start blogging. But don't panic...we're here to help

Get that Blog Going for Content Marketing Power (Social KNX)

"We are all writers. If you can speak about your business and you know how to use a computer, an old typewriter, or a number two pencil, you can write."
There are some great tips to help get you started including:
1. Set aside 30-60 minutes every day for writing
2. Remember you are answering a question, not writing a novel
3. Don't edit as you write
4. Create a "Story Starter" notebook for blogging ideas

Click here to read the full post....

I have a question trans

Tasty Tips for Newbie Bloggers in the Veterinary Industry (Vetanswers)

"You're the expert - it's time for your veterinary clients to read YOUR words of wisdom"
I wrote this post back in 2012 to encourage those in the veterinary industry to start blogging......and I'm still going on about it!

Click here to read the full post

Things to do - blogging  then take over the world
2016 Blog Posting Calendar

Blog Posting Calendar January to December 2016 (excel)

If you don't share your knowledge with your veterinary clients you can't blame them for turning to Dr Google!
Publishing the right information at the right time can be an essential part of your relationship with existing and potential clients and is a great way to add value.

Download a 12 month Blog Posting Calendar that includes:

Suggested topics for content writing for each month
Over 40 possible blog topics to help get you started
Tips for writing the all important blog post title

The Calendar allows you to plan out what is to be written, content, author, target audience, key words and your offer or 'call to action' - all essential blog post components.

Click here to download your copy...


More opportunities to achieve your business goals...


"The number one thing that all successful people know is that success doesn't happen by accident"

If you own or manage a veterinary practice and you weren't happy with your results in 2015 then this may be just what you're looking for....

Dr Diederik Gelderman from Turbo Charge Your Practice has set up the 'Veterinary Business Academy' where you can access practice building resources, personal and professional success strategies and support from a range of experts. AND it's only $30/month..so why wouldn't you at least check it out?

Membership to the VBA was supposed to have already closed but I asked Diederik to keep it open for Vetanswers members for a day or so because it seemed to fit perfectly with our theme 'What will you be doing differently in 2016?'

Click here to find out more...




This week I also found....

My 'Must Read' for the week - thanks to Small Animal Talk

Why being a veterinarian is a life of meaning

A fascinating discussion on the importance of not only focusing on the negative, stressful aspects of working in the veterinary industry but to also recognise the satisfaction and fulfillment that can be gained.

Click here to read the post...

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