
Greetings! You are receiving this newsletter because we have either met at an event or communicated in some other way, or you have expressed interest in the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid. My sense is that you will be interested in these updates and events, plus ongoing Messages from Mother. Also, occasionally I include events led by gifted authors and teachers. You are welcome to unsubscribe at anytime via the link posted at the bottom. Hugs, bigLove! Mare

▪ Message from Mother Gaia @ the California Earthquakes - 7/6/19
▪ Note from Mare: "Rebirthing into Deeper Compassion, Magic, Surrender & Mystery"
▪ Ps. Mother wants me to add this: "The New Earth is coming in strong and fast now. Are you IN?"
▪ #GaiaTeach ~ I LOVE You! Please Shed the Illusions... (6/14/19 - YouTube)
▪ Upcoming Radio Shows!
▪ Mare's Healing Practice
▪ "Awakening Our Womb Wisdom" ~ Sun, July 21, Silver Spring, MD (Only one I will be leading in the Mid-Atlantic this year.)
▪ For All Upcoming Events ~ including Europe this Fall, Click HERE
▪ Help Amplify Gaia's Oneness Grid! Monthly "Tune-In" ~ Weds, July 10th
▪ Voices from Gaia - Now FREE
▪ Powerful Healing Flower Essences - La Vie de la Rose
▪ FREE Mother's Love Cord Connection Meditation/Activation
Message from Mother Gaia @ the California Earthquakes - 7/6/19
Note from Mare: "Rebirthing into Deeper Compassion, Magic, Surrender & Mystery"
Ps. Mother wants me to add this: "The New Earth is coming in strong and fast now. Are you IN?"
#GaiaTeach ~ I LOVE You! Please Shed the Illusions... (6/14/19 - YouTube)
Upcoming Radio Shows!
Mare's Healing Practice
"Awakening Our Womb Wisdom" ~ Sun, July 21, Silver Spring, MD (Only one I will be leading in the Mid-Atlantic this year.)
For All Upcoming Events ~ including Europe this Fall, Click HERE
Help Amplify Gaia's Oneness Grid! Monthly "Tune-In" ~ Weds, July 10th
Voices from Gaia - Now FREE
Powerful Healing Flower Essences - La Vie de la Rose
FREE Mother's Love Cord Connection Meditation/Activation
Mother Earth

Artist Unknown

"It's Time for Change. Long overdue time for change. I LOVE all of you and ... there will be some ongoing rocking and rolling for a bit of time here on Me, to help birth the New Earth coming in now. And I'm tremendously excited about this New Earth. More than tremendously! Please come Home to Me. Please heal your emotional/spiritual Bodies and remember that you are Sacred Beings invited to join in the dance of co-creating the New Earth. And material things are only temporary. Do not be attached ... Please do not be attached. I LOVE You! P.s. I'm not dying."

~ Mother Gaia

A recent message from Mother below - YouTube #GaiaTeach.


Mare's New (Used) Prius

Oh, my, gosh...

First it was the trip to New Zealand and Australia in the spring and all sorts of Spiritual Activations there. Then a new/used Prius fell into my lap in later May. Which meant shedding my beloved VW Diesel Golf that I owned for 20 years. And truthfully shedding my old self, it seems, to step into this path of surrender to Mother Gaia even more. I now fully claim that I'm 'a humble servant to the Great Mother'.

Then my 60th birthday was on June 23rd where a lightning bug sat on my leg for about 2 hours (no exaggeration) at the local park where a beautiful group of friends showered me with so much love.

Mother told me I must go to a public Appeals meeting in Frederick several days after my birthday to oppose a Hot Asphalt Plant proposed for our valley -- which is way beyond my comfort zone as an extreme empath - mystic type these days. Yet I went, and now some interesting things are opening up.

My rapport with Mother Gaia has gone even far more deeply, along with an expansion of the rest of my Spirit Team. While plants have been communicating to some degree with me for years, now they are exceedingly clear with their messages. For example, this came from a volunteer tomato seedling just last week: "Don't pull me up! I'm working this out with the flower next to me, please!" Plus they are washing me with waves of Love when I connect with them. My backyard trees are telling me they are so proud of me... and more.

Healing sessions in person and long-distance are rather off the charts, along with my land clearing and blessing work.

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Lightning bugs seem to have an affinity for me. Wild...

It seems that all that is showing up in my life is exceeding guided from the Spirit planes to support my 'dance' in serving Mother, from unexpected emails, phone calls, communications from friends with choice wisdom I needed in that moment, Facebook information links at the perfect time. This is all so wild and beautiful and humbling.

And ... from what I'm gathering, so many of us Lightworker-types stepping up pro-actively to help Birth the New Earth are being catapulted into more expansive sets of skills and resources right now.

We are in a most interesting energetic portal of great potential, if we so choose to step forward into it.

What is most remarkable is that I just TRUST. My fears of not enough this or that have completely melted away into metaphorical compost for this next phase in my life. It is all good. It will be all Good. Love carries me through the day like a gentle cushion in the midst of the 'storms'.

May all experience this place of Peace, Bliss, Compassion and Connection. All...

Oh, and it looks like I will be leading a weeklong "Mother Gaia Spiritual Adventure" trip on the Isle of Skye in Scotland during the first week in November THIS FALL. This trip started with a stone from Scotland that a friend gave me to hold that spiritually called me to Skye. Details TBA about that very soon. You will know if you are called to join us. (Very intimate group size.)

In 2020, there will be an Aboriginal Immersion trip in Australia with a rather prominent Aboriginal Elder named Uncle Paul Gordon who was raised in the Old Ways. We met in New Zealand in March.

The "Great Mother Love Way" year-long course will be offered again in 2020 also. This course has been a powerful catalyst for me to step into "It". AND it's remarkable what has been manifesting for the participants within it.

Mother has more up her sleeve too, for sure.

Let the Adventures continue (so long as I get my rest and chocolate fix too)!

Hugs, bigLove to all, absolutely all, including the current resident of the White House, interesting character that he is.

Mother Earth

Mother woke me up at 4:50am on June 14th and told me that this message needed to go out, that morning. (Then she told me to not put out a newsletter about it until she said it was time. Now it is time.)

Mother Gaia invites each one of us to shed the Fear & Lack Illusions. She wants ALL of us to shift into who we truly are as amazing beings of Quantum Divine Love & infinite potential to help mid-wife this New Earth coming in now.



"Mare Cromwell is a welcoming, healing presence in a difficult world. She follows her intuition when working with clients, allowing each healing to be fully individualized to each case. Her genuineness and loving kindness helped me to discuss traumatic events of the recent past, and let us release these emotional attachments together. I am thankful to work with her!" ~ M.L.

"Mare, since the ceremony and workshop with you, my life purpose is seeming loud and clear that l, too, have a place ​in the Great Turning other than being an observer tinkering with my little story. Thank you for this reminder that ceremony is a daily practice and opening to the Mother is not a once off thing but a daily blessing. So much has changed and opened up in my awareness. I want to acknowledge Mother’s wisdom and all that she shares. l take her into my heart as my guide. Huge, humble thanks for the guidance!" ~ S.K. Australia

p-susun sm2

Acclaimed Herbalist & Teacher, Susun Weed.

Am most humbled to be on the following "Radio Shows" later in July:

Sun, July 14th, 6-7:30pm. Mind, Body, Soul Food with Tonya Parker. The amazing Tonya Parker and I will talk about Womb Wisdom, Juicyness, Earth Changes and more. It's really up to Mother what we shall discuss. ;~)

Tues, July 16th, 7:30pm. Susun Weed's Weekly Podcast, Tues, July 16th, 7:30pm. Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Mare.


Photo by Dennis Crews

Mare holds a gentle but immensely powerful space, helping me to tune into Past Lives, and upgrade my Angelic and other Spirit Team support. ~ C.J

I found Mare in my journey to heal my legs, but unbeknownst to me she is also healing my soul. Insightful. Genuine. Beloved. Mare, you are beyond words. Thank you! ~ M.S

With twenty-three years of studies with Native American elders and other gifted spiritual mentors, some might call me a Priestess or a Medicine Woman. My work is deeply connected with Gaia along with the Virgin Mary and Great Divine Mother and I'm humbled to share there are other ascended masters on my spiritual team. My empathic intuitive gifts are rather heightened which complement the profound wisdom and healing energies of the "Great Mother Team" to support my clients.

I have also studied energy balancing, and introductory training in cranial sacral healing, and Rubenfeld Synergy Work, to weave subtle aspects of all these modalities into my healing practice. More than anything, I call on the immense Love energy of the Great Divine Mother and Earth Mother in the healings and coachings she offers. Sessions can be either long-distance or in person.

My offerings include energetic cord-cuttings, heart chakra healings, enhancement of your energy protection gifts, ancestral clearings, balancing your energy body, conducting soul retrievals, inner-child healing work, and boosting your spiritual guardian team. I also coach clients on going deeper in their spiritual practice to honor the Great Mother and Great Father for their highest good for Divine Plan Alignment.

I am also available for house and land clearings and blessings, curse clearings along with spiritual coaching - locally and long-distance. And I absolutely love leading Mother Blessingway ceremonies for pregnant mothers.

Some other testimonials:

Mare Cromwell's books carry information so crucial in these times. And her healing energies are amazing. ~ G.K.

I have experienced Reiki a number of times but what you do with your energy work is six times more powerful than any Reiki session I've ever had. ~ G.S.

My body has been suffering from many ailments including Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Mare has not just taken the pain away, but also helped to get my whole self in balance. She has also given me long term strategies for pain management, which are better than any pain medication. The work that is done by Mare is powerful, sacred and filled with love. ~ L.L.

*After my two sessions with Mare, I had no more pain in certain parts of my body. I often had stomach aches. Now I digest the food I eat better. I have sought spiritual healing from others and Mare really surprised me with her healing powers from Mother Earth. She is a special and powerful healer. I definitely plan to see her again and highly recommend her. ~L.V.*

More information can be found at my website HERE.


Artist Unknown

"I attended Mare Cromwell's Womb Wisdom workshop and WOW! She is passionate about women's work and extremely knowledgeable. Elements from one of the meditations stuck with me for weeks after the workshop. Not only did I leave with new insights but I had the opportunity to meet new like-minded ladies in my community! I look forward to learning more from Mare & attending more of her events in the future." ~ R.N.

This event will be at a beautiful private residence in Silver Spring. I'm hearing from Mother that with the enhanced Divine Feminine Spirit Team that has come into my life, this will be a significant workshop. All who attend will receive a Spiritual Activation to be more energetically connected with a beautiful overarching spiritual presence of the Divine Feminine.

More details and how to Register for the July 21st event HERE

The next one I will lead will be in The Netherlands in October and then one in Norfolk, VA, in November. All details on upcoming Womb Wisdom events are posted HERE.


“Mare Cromwell is not a mere person, she is an experience; a living, breathing manifestation of the love of Mother Gaia herself. She is the Shield Priestess of Gaia – a woman on a sacred mission to teach others to embrace their Divine center connected to Gaia within themselves, to be a beacon of light and healing in a world that most desperately needs it on so many levels right now. The best part of Mare is that she can take these huge metaphysical and esoteric concepts and break them down into everyday language so everyone can understand them. No previous learning/training required. This is truly a Goddess and I am blessed to have her in my life and you will be as well.” ~ Kathryn Hall, Intuitive


Beautiful Ones,

If you would like to bring more Light and Joy into your life AND help to serve Mother Gaia, you are most welcome to join us for the monthly "Tune-In" to create a Unified Field to amplify Gaia's Oneness Grid on Weds, July 10th. If you have not already purchased the visualization ($17.77), you can access it at: Gaia's Oneness Grid Activation -Visualization.

Mother has asked that we do this around the globe on a monthly basis and we would love to have you join us. We don't have to meet via Zoom or Skype or conference call to create a Unified Field again to amplify this Grid. (And if you are reading this after 3/13, you are still most welcome to help amplify the Grid anytime!)

"This Oneness Activation was like nothing I have ever experienced before. Rooting firmly into beloved Mother Gaia touched my soul in such a deep healing way. Then experiencing a powerful flow of celestial energy coming through me to heal Mother Earth. So humbling. The combined energy from above and below was exquisite! The dolphins were leaping and squealing with joy!!!!" ~C.V.

For those new to my newsletter: A little background on this Activation -- over the Oct 20th weekend, all those who participated in the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid helped to deeply activate Gaia's Oneness Grid -- with our High Ceremony at the 1000 Goddesses Gathering on the Washington Mall and the 85+ Sacred Circles worldwide that energetically linked in. SEE MAP. Read more HERE.

Two days after the Gathering, I was spiritually given a Gaia's Oneness Grid - Activation-Visualization-- to keep this Grid that we activated amped up. Mother Gaia is keen for us to keep this Grid energized.

You can purchase the Visualization HERE.


The next monthly Tune-In is Weds, June 12th. Please join us! 8pm Your Time, around the Globe (Or anytime that day.).

Hugs, bigLove to All!

Mare (& Mother Gaia)

3.22. VFG. Mare 3

Last winter I interviewed seven remarkably gifted animal, plant, nature spirit and Sasquatch communicators, plus a powerful Hawaiian Native Elder.

Some feedback from the series:
“This series was PHENOMENAL and the meditations were so powerful!” ~ A.P.

"‘Voices from Gaia’ was for me a turning point in my embrace of life … I learned so much and it validated an inner but silenced knowing I already had. The phrase that describes best my experience is "awakening." ~G.G.

Mother Gaia has asked me to just put all of the interviews up on YouTube now so this wisdom can go much farther and wider.

Access all my videos on YouTube HERE.


La Vie de la Rose Flower Essences


Photo by Harold Blum

It is very rare that I will share information about another company or product. Yet, last summer I discovered a collection of powerful flower essences that are quite potent. The woman who is the creator of them is remarkably gifted and deeply connected with the Divine Mother team with which I am connected. As I read her first email to me, there was so much Divine Feminine energy flowing through it into me that I was astounded.

To give a little background:

La Vie de la Rose is an urban Nature sanctuary dedicated to accelerating women’s healing and empowerment. They handcraft a wide range of high-frequency flower essences that hold new healing patterns for women. These unique natural remedies are at the heart of a powerful Nature-based system created by women’s healing pioneer and visionary Dr. Nataleah Rose Schotte to accelerate your spiritual journey.

The Goddess Magick Solutions: Flower Essences for Manifesting Your Heart’s Desires is a set of three flower essences created to activate your ability to create miracles, enhance your magnetic grid, and use the power of love to manifest. (This is the one I am using to help me coordinate the 1000 Goddesses Gathering!)

The Goddess Warrior Solutions: Flower Essences for Liberating the Power of Your Soul is a set of three flower essences created to heal your spiritual warrior, overcome your fears in the face of oppression, and achieve karmic resolution of conflicts.

If you are unfamiliar with flower essences, they are a profound form of energy medicine that work subtle energy system to catalyze transformation. They are infusions of flowers in water that hold the energy imprint of the flower. Unlike essential oils, they are taken orally and contain no physical part of the flower, only its healing vibration.

I encourage you to EXPLORE THESE.

Deep gratitude to La Vie de la Rose for being a sponsor of the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid in 2018 also!

(Full disclosure: Sales of these via the link above and the live link in the image are helping to support me with my work with Mother Gaia.)

Mother Earth

All are most welcome to download for FREE - Mother’s Love Cord Connection Meditation. Mother told me that it was time for all to access this. She wants each and every one of us to deeply, deeply connect with her and this meditation is a powerful way to do this.

“I received the divine blissful Meditation/Activation from Mother/Earth Gaia with tears of joy. So very healing everywhere my body has been hurting. Thank you so much!” ~P.F.

P.s. If you would like to make a donation for downloading this meditation/activation, you are most welcome to donate via PayPal to marecrom@gmail.com.


Upon randomly watching one of Mare's YouTube videos, I was instantly drawn to her. To describe Mare is difficult because there are just so many elements. She is genuine, loving, and full of integrity. Mare describes herself as a medicine woman, but she is so much more. She embodies Mother Gaia and is full of love. During her sessions, you can't help but feel relaxed and loved. It's like you are in a womb. The experience I had during my session with Mare was like no other. I received answers to my questions, straight-forward advice and healing in a completely unique way ... I would wholeheartedly encourage you to work with Mare. ~D.P. Houston, Texas


Autographed Copies of "The Great Mother Bible" from my website.


Autographed Copies of "Messages from Mother.... Earth Mother" from my website.


Autographed Copies of "If I gave you God's Phone Number.... Searching for Spirituality in America" from my website.


A-FullAltar Pouch

Great Mother Altar Pouches only available from my website - Limited Supply.


Photo by Harold Blum

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