tarot astrology reading

June Tarot Horoscope

Each Month I put together for many a Tarot Horoscope. What is this?

A Tarot Horoscope is a road map of the energies that are coming in for you. Everything is energy. Energy effects us all. We can tell that some days are fabulous and we want to get out and do everything. Other days we want to hide under the covers.

The Tarot Horoscope I use your DOB using your sun sign and I dive into the energies that are coming in for you. I add the angels and the Tarot cards. These all make up layers to help you through the month, understanding that Venus has left Virgo gone into Gemini and you feel so much lighter and filled with happiness. This is helping you to grab the energy and go forward, get things done. Other times it may be you need to step back a bit and watch before reacting.

What people are Saying

My first reading with Mary June Tracy was in February 2017. Only days earlier, I had made an important life decision and what she said, to me, was Spirit confirming that it was the right one. That reading was one, very important sign, of many over those few days, that I was on the right track. Mary June relayed a number of specifics about my life that I could immediately validate or that made sense to me later in the year.

In early 2018 I began feeling stuck in this same aspect of my life and kept thinking about having another reading with Mary June. At the peak of my frustration in March, I booked another session and I was not disappointed! It was mind-blowing how much of what I was experiencing, pondering and wanting guidance on her reading tapped into. And as I had hoped, her words were just what I needed to lift me back into the Light so I could once again feel hopeful and on track with my life. Though I am very tapped into Spirit myself, sometimes we just need that confirmation from another source and Mary June is that for me. I highly recommend her services.

Sandra Kinnear

Joan Fisk Mary June is so accurate , enjoy them every month. Best investment on me…

Francis MacCallum Got it, & it’s amazing

Thank you so much. That was amazing Tracy

It was funny to hear my April horoscope. You mentioned travel. I am traveling to BC for work. I am always yearning to go far away so that is pretty accurate. You also mentioned education. I am awaiting to hear back on my acceptance into my Master of Nursing program. I should know by mid April. You also mentioned a cleanse. I already have the things I need to do that for April!! Haha. So bang on Mary June. Have a great day.

Michelle Monkman

Cost ~ $30 monthly or Pkg 6 months $147

Beautiful way to keep in your alignment.

Blessings of Love & Light

Mama G

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