
I Love Photography!


Modes of Transportation


Hot Shot, Eastbound, Iaeger, W. Virginia by O. Winston Link

A new year brings new dreams and aspirations to travel, whether it be to far away places or close by. The obvious question is how will you get there? Today's newsletter will address modes of transportation. With many options to choose from, I thought I'd bring you a selection of choices that have been available over the past decades.


Lincoln Yellow Cab, Springfield, IL by George Tice


Palumbo Ice & Fuel by Walker Evans

Carrefour Blois 1930

Carrefour, Blois by Andre Kertesz


Garris's General Store, Stillwater, NJ by George Tice


Horse and Hand, Ralph Gibson


Mary and Jack, Memphis, TN by George Tice


Untitled by Andre Kertesz


Pinsi Boat, Bira by Hengki Koentjoro

010 Ueslmann

Untitled, Man With Angel Wings by Jerry Uelsmann

None of us know what 2024 will bring and perhaps we need to look much further ahead before Jerry Uelsmann's photograph Man With Angel Wings becomes a reality, but maybe one day man will acquire wings and will learn to fly!! Sounds absurd I know, but stranger things have happened!
Let's all spread our wings and fly into 2024 safely.

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