Hello Friends

We will be coming to the USA this fall and would love to connect with as many of you as possible during our time there. We will be in the Midwest but perhaps could plan a trip elsewhere depending on how our itinerary turns out.

Contact us

We have 13 weekends which we would like to fill with invitations to churches. Several have already made contact and invited us for specific dates this fall. Others gave us a "blank check"invitation telling us they can accomodate to whenever we can make it.
Individuals and families can also invite us to spend time together. We would love to share family time and make memories with you.

Please reach out via email mafuabel@gmail.com, mafu.abel@aflc.org or on Signal or Whatsapp +595 983-614-566

prayer card small

Here is our family

Zoey will soon be 5, Ian is 3 and Boaz is 1. Our beautiful family will need a few things.
First we will need three corresponding car seats. If you have one that is no longer needed please consider lending it to us for a few months.

Next we will need some winter clothes and gear --Hats, mittens, boots, snow-pants... et. al.

It's going to be great! Lets get scheduling...

When I have a better idea of times and places I'll send out an itinerary.

Thanks for your love and support,
Abel Family

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