creative rites logo

Release The Critic, Access Your Authentic Voice,
Discover Your Extraordinary Stories

Happy Anniversary To Us- Creative Rites turns 24!
-A Brief History of Creative Rites Birth

Inspiration & Guidance
- Writing Exercise Guaranteed To Generate Great Material

FREE CONSULT: Story, Solo-Show, Keynote Presentation, TED Talk Dream Project or Jumpstart Your Writing & Creativity

Uncover Your Story Gold
-Online Winter Classes Start Mid-January

Solo-Show/Stand Out Story Master Class & 1:1 Coaching
- Develop & Present a Solo-Show, Stand Out Story or Keynote with Truth, Humor & Depth
-Starts Mid-January

Creative Rites 24th Anniversary Card Present

lovely gift & perfect handwriting courtesy of Diane Sandler

Happy Anniversary & Congratulations To Us

I'm astounded, honored, humbled and grateful that because of you, Creative Rites is celebrating it's 24th year!

A Brief History of Creative Rites Birth

On October 9, 1999, I tried and tried to unlock the heavy grey metal door to Beyond Baroque Literary Arts Center, an 80 year old building, in order to teach my very 1st class. It took an agonizing 3 minutes and I hoped the workshop participants weren't taking it as a bad sign of the competency of their Facilitator.

I’d never taught before and I had no idea if I could do it, or if I would like it.

Teaching was the only thing my mother told me not to do, because she was a burned out 2nd grade teacher.

But I was desperate.

I had carpal tunnel in both hands- a repetitive motion injury from being an excellent barista. I could barely hold or grip anything, so I was in a panic about how I was going to support myself.

All I knew, was that my next job had to involve my brain, not my body.

So when my inspirational Writing & Performance teacher, Nancy Agabian told me she was leaving Beyond Baroque to move to New York and-- that she would recommend that I take over for her (which shocked and flattered me!) I decided to give it a go.

At the end of that 1st class, as I was clearing away the circle of chairs, I was able to identify the sensation that I was feeling.

I realized it's the same feeling you have when you’re in love.

And I’ve been in love ever since.

Thank you to every single person who took a chance by inviting me into your stories and creative process.

Thank you for having the courage to show the most beautiful parts of yourself:
your voice, your imagination, your wisdom, your experiences, your shame, angst and guilt and all your triumphs, all that you've overcome.

Thank you for allowing me and the world to see, hear and champion you.

I am profoundly grateful, inspired and moved by the thousands of you that have shared your stories, memoirs, Solo-Shows, plays, screenplays, poetry, songs and journaling.

Thank you to the thousands who've participated in Gorgeous Stories and the thousands of audience members that have witnessed them.

Thank you for reading this.

I'm honored to be in community with you.

My door is always open.

Creative Rites Anniversary Art

To be the subject & recipient of art
fills me with joy to the moon and back

Murray Biurn drawing of me

Art by Murray Burn, who based his drawing on the photo from my website

Audrey Freudberg Creative Rites anniversary drawing

Art by Audrey Freudberg, who knows I love the Beatles, hats and her drawings. Check out her moving, whimsical work on her Audrey Freudberg facebook page or her blog-Pieces Of Me, Audrey

Keep Calm Creative Rites Anniversay Consult-Newsletter

I'd Love To Guide, Support & Encourage You

To kick off my 24th year of Creative Rites and keep the celebration going-- I'm offering 24 FREE CONSULTS

I'd be overjoyed to help get your Idea Story, Solo-Show, Memoir, TED Style Talk, Keynote, Message or Dream Project-- Out into the world.

Or perhaps you'd like to receive guidance on how to:
start a story, move forward with a project, get unstuck, release the inner-critic, or- reconnect to your playful, creative spirit

Everyone's welcome - new, existing or old clients

To Sign Up for a 24 Minute Consult

Here's to getting to Story with you!


Inspiration & Guidance

Spontaneous Writing Exercise:
Guidance & Practice to Release The Critic & Learn To Trust Your Instincts

This is a way to practice not judging your writing, not trying to 'write well' getting out of your head and away from the critical voice.

To practice trusting your creative impulse and to write whatever's coming into your head in the moment- even if it's "I want to get up. I can't think of anything to write, I feel stuck. I want to get some chocolate..."

Keep your pen or keyboard strokes going. Remind yourself--This isn't the finished product.

The judgment, discomfort or chatter will pass in a few minutes.

Write without worrying whether the writing is good or bad, to allow you to discover and investigate without judgment.

Writing Preparation
Relaxing and slowing down allows you to listen within and connect to your muse and creative instincts.

Close your eyes and take a few moments to breathe slowly and deeply. Breathe so that your stomach expands, then exhale slowly, do this for at least a minute or two, to allow your mind and thoughts to slow down and to release tension.
Consider doing a slow neck roll clockwise and then reverse, then do a shoulder roll forward, then reverse and breathe into any other places that might be tight- eyes, jaw, mouth, throat, torso, etc

Finally-congratulate yourself for having a voice and listening to your creative muse which is always ready when you are.

For Optimum Results- Don't read ahead until you've done each step

In keeping with Creative Rites' anniversary, here's a writing exercise to mine that theme.

Writing Exercise: The Anniversaries You Keep
You can apply this exercise to: the present, a time in your life, or a person or character in your story

1- Make a list of important dates that you celebrate or honor.
It could be birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or- historical or whimsical dates-- for instance, some of my dates would be: the date of my very first solo-performance piece, National Pet Parents Day & the day John Lennon met Paul McCartney

Note-- it's fine if you only remember the month and year

2- Look at the list. You can either write about the portrait that emerges from your list of dates, or you can select one of the dates to write about.
Consider including why the date is important to you (or your character) and if there's any ritual or celebration involved.

As always if you go off topic, or on a tangent, see where it takes you

Write for 6 - 10 minutes, longer if you'd like.

You're welcome to share with me what came out
email -

In my workshops, we do an in-class exercise to spark ideas, practice releasing the inner-critic and help you investigate your story.

The exercises can also be tailored to a story or character you're working on.

If you like writing exercises to spark ideas or guidance-- I offer coaching and can tailor exercises for your writing practice or a project you're working on.

Creative Rites Services:
- Coaching
- Storytelling for Business, TED style Talks, Keynotes
- Story/Script Critiques
- Project Consults
- Creative Tune-Ups
- Dramaturgy
- Directing a Solo-Show
- Tailored Workshops for Businesses, Groups, Institutions

Uncover Your Story Gold for Newsletter

Dare Greatly, Connect Deeply, Uncover Your Story Gold

Ordinary People Become Extraordinary
When We Hear Their Stories, Tell Yours!

Stories are the way we connect
Stories are the way we understand ourselves,
each other and the world.

Be part of a supportive, creative community and receive guidance to release the inner-critic, write from a wildly creative place, strengthen your storytelling skills and discover the deepest truth of your stories and have a place to nurture your creative spirit.

Online Classes Start Mid January for:
- Memoir, Personal Essays, Solo-Shows, Storytelling,
Storytelling for Business, Journaling/Creative Expression

For more Info/To Register
email -

If you're not able to fit classes into your schedule or prefer to work One-on-One, Private Coaching is also available- via phone or Zoom,

-Creative Rites Services:
-Coaching, Critiques, Project Consults, Creative Tune-Ups, Mini-Writing Retreats, Coaching Packages to Start, Continue or Finish Your Dream Project, Tailored Workshops for Businesses, Groups or Organizations, Dramaturgy, Directing a Solo-Show

Take The Leap Solo-Show Stand Out Story-Screenshot

Discover The Extraordinary Story Of You

Would You Love To Get the Story, Idea or Experience
That's Calling to You
Out of Your Head
And Onto The Stage?

Guidance & Support To Create, Workshop & Perform
A Phenomenal Solo-Show or Stand Out Story

Attention Business Owners, Coaches & Entrepreneurs

This Is also A Way To Generate STAND OUT STORIES for your Business and/or Create a Keynote, Presentation or a
TED Style Talk That Will Dazzle

Online Solo-Show/Stand Out Story Master Class
6 Month Session - Starts Mid-January
Acceptance by Invitation/Interview

Also Offered:

Online Solo-Show/Stand Out Story One-On-One Coaching
5 Month Program (4.5 Months if requested)
Acceptance by Invitation/Interview

Exclusive Offer For One Client Per Quarter

Acceptance by Invitation

I'd love to help you create the show of your dreams and get it onstage and out into the world - Live and/or Virtually

And you don't have to be a Writer or Actor to do it.

I'll guide you step by step to tap into your imagination to play, explore, write and perform, as well as help you with the structure that supports the story and create the experience you want the audience to have

The Master Class & the One-on-One Coaching Program culminates in a Full Length Solo-Show or Stand Out Story, Live on Zoom, for an invited audience.

For More Info
email -

Click Here To Schedule a Consult


Invitation to join the CREATIVE RITES SANCTUARY
I've started Creative Rites Sanctuary on Facebook as a place for community, connection and well-being.
You're welcome to post any form of your creative expression, or art that moves you, or anything you find soothing or inspiring. I've already posted lots of resources and Arts offerings. There are 2 pages- You can join the Creative Rites Sanctuary - Public Page
The Creative Rites Sanctuary Group is a Private group page. You can request to join on the facebook page or Click here to request to join The Creative Rites Sanctuary Group Page


Creative Rites Referrals

If you know anyone who you think would benefit by working with me- You can get a class discount or thank you payment. I love doing this work and would be honored to help your friends or colleagues jumpstart their writing or dream project or provide a space for them to nurture their creative spirit.

Be part of a creative, supportive community- Click here to join Creative Rites on Face Book

Keep telling your stories!

Your faithful Creative Rite-er,
Terrie Silverman

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