
Tips & resources on wellbeing & performance   ||   Issue #34, August 2021


Dear Reader,

One major thing about the current pandemic is that we all have to adapt to constant change. And that's why I have decided to revert back to Good Chi News title of this ezine rather than use the Sports Chi title.

I was hoping to promote my Sports Chi services through a Sports Chi ezine but the pandemic has brought that to a halt for the time being.

The only change really, is the title change of the ezine. The emphasis on on tips and resources on wellbeing and performance will continue as before.

Chris Bennett
Chris Chi


Finding the Right Teacher


How do you find the right Tai Chi teacher for yourself and/or aged care residents?

From my experience it's not always the most talented, knowledgeable person that makes for a good teacher.

Talent and knowledge certainly helps, but a good teacher also needs these three important skills:

1- Empathy
2- Engagement
3- Flexibility

So if you are considering hiring a Tai Chi teacher for your staff and/or residents make sure the person is empathetic, engaging and flexible.

Oh, I forgot the fourth skill - make sure he or she enjoy a good laugh too!

Image courtesy of Mario Dobelmann via Unsplash


Tai Chi Tip: Just Enough


I'm often asked 'how much do I need to practice' and my answer is 'just enough'.

And what is just enough? Well, if you are huffing and puffing or feel pain then you are overexerting yourself and you are doing too much.

I train between 6-7 days a week and spread my training out each day, from early morning to evening, so I can train just enough to accomplish my goals.

Sometimes I'm too tired, busy or don't feel like training. If that happens, I simply reschedule my training so I don't overdo it.

Thankfully this doesn't occur often and I usually fit in all of my training for the week.

'Just enough' training balances your Yin and Yang energies and leads to good health

Image courtesy of Casey Horner via Unsplash


Yin Yang Exercise


Here's a good Yin Yang exercise to try from Armand of Chi Skills.

It will help you understand Yin and Yang theory and get the feel of the internal aspect of Tai Chi.

I've watched a few clips by Amand and I do like his clear, concise and informative manner.


Movement is Good Medicine


A physiotherapist shared a quote with me a while ago at one of my workshops. I use it regularly in the Chair Chi (seated Tai Chi) sessions I run for aged care residents and at my staff training sessions.

The quote, 'movement is good medicine' is a good Western interpretation of the benefit of Tai Chi.

It's also easier to understand than some of the Tai Chi terminology that can confuse a beginner Tai Chi student.

Image courtesy of Manik Roy via Unsplash.


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