Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-1-4

David Fleay Wildlife Park Photography Workshop

Sunday 19 July 2020

Hi Everyone,

And then there were four!

Number three sold out in no time so again, in conjunction with Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and David Fleay Wildlife Park, I am proud to present this new wildlife photography opportunity and experience for the fourth time. Numbers are limited due to covid-19 restrictions and simple logistics so a number of people were left disappointed.

In 1951, Australian naturalist, David Fleay, created a wildlife park where visitors could enjoy and learn about wildlife in as close to their natural environment as possible. Today you can enjoy daily wildlife ranger talks and see Australia’s iconic wildlife, from the comfort and safety of boardwalks, education rooms and in a nocturnal house.

Dr David Fleay has inspired many people to embrace the diversity of our natural environment and its protection. The environmental education and conservation role of the park is just one of his many legacies.

We now have been given the opportunity to get in amongst the animals 'on the other side of the fence' as well as special indoors sessions in custom-built displays.

Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-6

The animals you'll photograph are all endemic to Queensland. Endangered species such as the Bridled Nail-tailed Wallaby, Lumholtz's Tree-kangaroo and of course the ever-popular and super cute Bilby.

We'll photograph inside enclosures without the restrictions of wire fencing or shooting through glass observation windows. A QPWS ranger will always be on hand to wrangle the wildlife for us and answer any wildlife-related questions you may have. I'll be on hand all day to guide you through photographing the animals to achieve the best results.

An inflight bird show in the nature amphitheatre will test your skills for sure.

A superbly prepared indoor area will be host to a number of specially built natural displays where, assisted by strobes, softboxes LEDs and speedlights you'll get to shoot all manner of snakes, lizards, birds and mammals. The lighting equipment provided is fully compatible with any DSLR or mirrorless camera. We'll have you up to speed shooting with studio lighting in no time.

Click the button below to go to the webpage for all the info and pricing which includes entry fees and a superb Devonshire tea.

Don't delay to avoid missing out.

Hope you can make it along.



Live, Laugh, Photograph

Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-3
Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-2
Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-9
Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-5
Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-8
Wildlife Birds Reptiles Gold Coast Queensland-1
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