
July 2021


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How are you? How is your flock feeling and doing?

Here and there, as our world starts to cautiously open back up, it can feel like we are not sure whether to come or go.

Is it truly safe to resume our life-as-usual? Should we shelter in place just a little bit longer?

This is a time when intuition is a handy superpower to have!

Here, it feels like a strangely perfect moment to transition into a new life as an animal intuitive and communicator.

Somehow, I feel like I have been doing this work - living life this way - all my life.

I just never had a name for it until now.

It probably won't surprise you a bit to hear that Pearl, Malti and Bruce are delighted to help their mama learn how to listen to them better.

Speaking of which, it has been a true joy and honor to connect with so many of you and your animal loves. We are having so much fun!

Lots of love to you and your flock - if you have a minute, hit "reply" to let us know how you are doing. We always love to hear from you!


The new Animal Love Languages website is live!

Discover the two love languages animals use to communicate with their humans.

Join our new e-list to learn more about how your pet is talking to you.

Have you scheduled your free animal intuitive session yet?

This offer only lasts until the flock mama gets certified in August so don't wait!


Croissant? What croissant?


Click to read Pearl's blog!


Hi. Are you going to eat that?


Click to read Malti's blog!


Escargot appetizer, anyone?


Click to read Bruce's blog!

Keep in touch

Me. Pearl. Bruce. Malti.

Hi! It is so good to meet you here each month!

Pearl, Malti, Bruce and their mommy just love having you in our extended flock. And we so enjoy hearing from you - just hit "reply" to share your news and flock updates. :-)

==> To connect with me:

==> To connect with Pearl, Malti & Bruce:

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