News & Quick-bits - 20 September 2019 Remedies for Sore and Itchy Skin Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and the right homeopathic remedy works wond

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News & Quick-bits - 20 September 2019


Remedies for Sore and Itchy Skin

Apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, and the right homeopathic remedy works wonders for many types of eczema. Here's a list of simple self-help tips and useful remedies. Read more | Comment


Str-e-e-e-tch Your Remedies

Did you know you can extend the life of your homeopathic pills by turning them into liquid remedies? Doing so also has several treatment benefits. Find out what and how.
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Hot Flushes

Homeopathy for Hot Flushes

Hot flashes, sweat, sexual problems and physical and mental exhaustion - here's how K.L. overcame them with three supplements and one special homeopathic remedy. Read more | Comment

Empty Nest

Empty Nest Syndrome

Arsenicum, Nat-mur and Ignatia each treated a layer of illness in a case of empty nest syndrome for a woman who had been traumatized by deaths in her family and an alcoholic father. Read more | Comment


One Week - Three Speicals!

Offer 1: Conium Maculatum (Con.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy. More info | Buy Now

Offer 2: 20% Off 6 Different Sleep Complexes Each contains a blend of remedies for insomnia, snoring, and more. Pay just $22.80. More info | Buy Now

Offer 3: $10.00 Off First Aid Kit This strong and compact kit comes with a prescriber booklet. More info | Buy Now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 23rd September, 2019 (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
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Remedy: Conium Maculatum

Hemlock is probably best known as the poison by which Socrates took his life. Prepared in homeopathic potencies it is a safe treatment for types of paralysis, slowness and more. Read more | Comment


You Too Can Test Homeopathy

For those who still doubt there’s anything to homeopathy, here's a simple experiment to try at home. All you need are a few bean seeds and one remedy- you can even make it yourself. Read more | Comment


Why Homeopathy for Coughs?

The conventional and homeopathic approach to coughs is compared, and helpful remedies presented. Studies showing the positive effects of homeopathy are also included. Read more | Comment


Investigating Dilutions with Dyes

"Results to date indicate that adding a drop of a liquid homeopathic medicine (or ‘potency’), induces greater ordering in solution and in particular enhance the exclusion zone ..." Read more | Comment


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