HAPPY EQUINOX, SUPER NEW MOON & SOLAR ECLIPSE, my lovely! The sacred wheel of the year has turned and we can now say hello to Springtime! What a glor

Erica Banner Newsletter



Here's my new altar for TODAY. (Apsara, a divine dancer, & shells from the beach.)

The sacred wheel of the year has turned and we can now say hello to Springtime! What a glorious time. And what an auspicious, celestial time!

According to Jocelyn Daher in her article, "The Energetic Properties of the Celestial Alignment on March 20th", we are now graced by the power of our beautiful Mother Moon who asks us to dive deep within ourselves, and to ground and reconnect our hearts to Gaia’s center, to our heart center.

These celestial junctures are potent times for ceremony, alone or with friends, to tap into new ideas in a really big way, (Super New Moon), by letting the old fade away in the darkness, to birth the newest aspects of ourselves.

If you feel called to do a ceremony, allow it to come from your heart and intuition. Trust your inner stirrings. Do what feels deliciously right for you, to let go and step into the new moment, your birthing process.

Dance. Write. Play. Reflect. Bathe. Howl. Sing. Walk. Paint. Ask questions. Surrender. Be still. Be wild. Be positive.

Whatever you do, dive in fully, and ground in your heart and let love flow. Let your wings and illumination emerge.

And to support this auspicious time, below are some RESOURCES for you, for a NEW DAY... a NEW YOU...

As always, in love and solidarity,


'Feeling Good' Song


Listen to Nina Simone sing her classic song, 'Feeling Good'. Perfect for this time...

"Birds flyin' high, you know how I feel
Sun in the sky, you know how I feel
Breeze driftin' on by, you know how I feel
It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me.
Yeah, it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me, ooooooooh...
And I'm feelin' good."


Her Terms Summit

Her Terms Summit

It's not too late to join Kara Gilligan's, "Her Terms Summit". I just found out about it and signed up yesterday!

Kara created this summit after a 7-year journey to heal her womb & truly understand the Source of Women’s Power.

You'll meet 21 Incredible Experts from Around the World -- Women Entrepreneurs, Authors, Teachers, Sexuality Experts, Healers, Shamans, Witches, Priestesses, & Ancient Wisdom Keepers who have mastered RECLAIMING & INTEGRATING their Feminine Power to do life, business, body & relationships on “Her Terms”.




A Day of Celebration and Empowerment for Girls Ages 10 to 12.

Toronto, April 26

G-Day is a global social movement where Girls (age 10-12) and their Champions (parents/guardians and others playing a meaningful role in supporting Girls futures) can come together to welcome, witness and receive Girls as they enter the next phase of their life journey.

I'm honoured to be leading the final rite-of-passage CEREMONY for this amazing day.



The Shadow (& Light) of Sisterhood

The Shadow (& Light) of Sisterhood

Here's my article posted in the 'Hollyhock Life' page.

Thank you for all the beautiful feedback I've received so far. It means more to me than you can imagine. (Writing is a bit of a gremlin for me, so any pat on my Goddess back is cherished and welcomed!)

And... If you've got sisters in BC, please let them know I'm coming to Hollyhock!

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RADICAL RADIANCE & The DOWH Certification Training

RADICAL RADIANCE & The DOWH Facilitator Certification

Rhythmwood Studio, ON
May 31-June 13, 2015

Rooted in the love and power of sisterhood, this is for women who are READY to embody their brightest selves and share their gifts and contributions with the world.

ONLY 7 Spots Left!

Come for RADICAL RADIANCE alone, or flow all the way thru to DOWH Certification!

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Hollyhock Retreat Center, BC
Oct. 13-16, 2015

Come meet yourself, your sisters and the world to expand your capacity to:

Co-create a sacred, safe container which evokes creativity, courage and kindness.
Love, and see the beauty in yourself, in everyone and everything; feel beautiful, relaxed and fluid.
Release, soften your heart, ground, and experience other life-affirming practices.
Feel into and embody the Radiant Sacred Feminine.

curiosity   wonder

DAILY DANCE, Day 1: Curiosity & Wonder


Bring JOY, sacred presence & movement into your life, for a NEW day... a NEW dawn.

Just 1 dance a day will recalibrate you!

Alone or with friends. From Curiosity & Wonder to Feeling at Home Everywhere.


If you found value and joy in this 'love' letter, please SHARE it.
