Hello from Lisa B 4 fx
Don t Touch Your Face by Lisa B Lisa Bernstein

Check out the pandemic video and single! Hooky and evocative.

Dear ,

I sent this out in late June, and it feels as if we're in a very different phase, but since I just got your current email address, II wanted to share what's here with you and say hello!....

It's been 15 months, almost to the day, since I sent out a mailing – an unprecedentedly long gap. But what isn't unprecedented about the past year?

How was it for you, and how are you now?

I quarantined pretty devotedly, except for regular visits to my Mom in Santa Cruz County about 80 miles south. Give someone with a strong introverted bent a reason to stay home (augmented by a chronic health issue that a bad virus would like, type 1 diabetes), and she'll comply!

A strange time of retreat and reprieve, caution and creativity, depression and optimism. Political and personal hypervigilance with a dash of activism, finally relaxing into a lot of relief.

And now I find myself a bit disoriented, trying to pick up the thread of who I was in early 2020 (how wrong, or maybe right, we were to hail the year as the one of clear vision!) and re-evaluating who I am now.

Of course, for a creator it's all material: I did release a timely single last summer called "Don't Touch Your Face."

The music was made remotely with my stellar collaborator of many years, James Gardiner, producer, composer, and engineer with 40+ gold and platinum records. I recorded my original spoken and sung vocals on my phone.

The video is actually fun. Check it out!

eye with colors superimposed

Still offering pandemic pricing for a psychic reading/energy healing by audio call.

I haven't stopped giving psychic readings and energy healings – all by audio call. (Who needs Zoom when you can look clairvoyantly and hear clairaudiently?)

And I'm still offering pandemic pricing to those whose income has been compromised. You tell me what you can afford.

Ask any questions(s), explore a space in your life (health, career, relationship, etc.), release what isn't you, get validation for what's working, set and clear the path ahead.

Reply to this email or check out the contact page on my intuitive services website. I'm available for readings 3 p.m. or later Pacfic time most days, half hour or an hour.

We'll set a time and, voila, communication, clarity, and greater calm!


Returning to the Back Room in Berkeley to celebrate a big birthday!

Having an indoor show scheduled feels like a small miracle.

Furthermore, I'm hitting a big personal milestone about then, and this is my way of having a party! I hope you'll join me: Sat. Sept. 25, 8 p.m., with the power trio of Frank Martin, piano; Fred Randolph, bass; and Greg Wyser-Pratte, drums. Plus special guests.

We'll be doing an uplifting couple of sets of original tunes, with my unique spoken and sung verse, from each of my seven albums! Expect to be soothed and made happier.

Tickets and more info here! Must be masked and vaxxed.

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Just one of my new videos...

Inspired by the fun I had making the "Don't Touch Your Face" video, and by networking with my fellow Grammy members, I made a bunch of videos for selections from my newest record.

And then new ones for tunes from previous records. And then some largely simpler ones for a winter holiday playlist (with a more elaborate and retro vid for "Let It Snow").

Here's the meditative and inspiring (I hope) "Some Things To Do with Pain."

With a rousingly prayerful vibe, and rich scenes of space, the ocean, and other natural realms, the new video for "Lisa's Lord's Prayers."

And from my 2006 "What's New, Pussycat?," here's my most streamed song ever (probably because people are seeking an animated series of a similar name, but whatever works...), "Warrior Cat."

Please explore, and, if you would, subscribe. (It will help me eventually monetize the channel.)


You might remember that just months before the shutdown, I released a new poetry-focused record. It's spiced with singing and expanded by creative music, offering both jazz homages and spiritual explorations – sometimes both at the same time.

Please check it out at the music-platform links above and below, or my website music page: stream, download, or buy the new CD and my previous six.

Some reviews of the newest one:

"An inventive and often haunting set...Listeners who like spoken word albums will enjoy this colorful effort." - Scott Yanow, L.A. Jazz Scene

"A unique, scintillating performance... with jazz passion and a lot of style." - D. Oscar Groomes , O's Place Jazz Newsletter

"Seductive, clever, whimsical, provocative but always heartfelt verse – backed by the imaginative accompaniment of Bay Area musicians...truly riveting listening sessions." - Jonathan Widran, The JW Vibe

"Kinetic recitation with jazz accompaniment...often homages to the jazz masters who’ve inspired her." - Andrew Gilbert, San Francisco Classical Voice

"Haunting...dramatic...meditative... Bohemia after dark." - George Harris, Jazz Weekly

gift red box

A token of my gratitude.

Every subscriber to this newsletter is entitled -- over the life of your subscription -- to one free mp3 or one free 10-minute phone reading. But you have to contact me to receive it. If you haven't done so yet, please be in touch and let's set it up!

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Stay well! Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing you!

Lisa B (Lisa Bernstein)


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