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There are homes you run from and homes you run in to. - Laura Cunningham

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Dear Sacred Souls

It's been some time since I sent a newsletter out and I'd like to keep it this way, as an as and when rather than a rote weekly, monthly or sales pitch that one gets bombarded with which I am not into at all. I've learnt to live my life as it feels and listen to the nudges trusting whatever structure need to engage in our put I place is led from my soul and connection to my Divine Feminine and Masculine a periodic oscillation and dance of the two, missteps here and occasional fluidness. I am a work in progress too.

This newsletter theme is about 'Breaking Free' from all the hold that we have on ourselves whether it be projected, being surrounded by or subjected to by early upbringing and the repeat of patterns. Most of you who read these will know this theme has been the essence of my work, purely as it has been my core life's lesson and something I am very passionate about to teach and share. That said the issue of self-honouring is also rife amongst many, and a situation that arises time and time again, one that we need to negotiate on a daily basis through all of our relating.

The opening quote to me defines the home being our Inner home, the home that without anything or anyone outside of ourselves are the one we carry at our core. All of the negative outside is merely a reflection of our mental state, be it lack or fear - rather than nourishing our inner Soul with choices that feed us. Sometimes we may mistake putting our home/heart toward another and make them our home until the Booga wooga keeps on repeating itself that we find ourselves running away from that too. Perhaps at such a time, it is wise to retreat and turn away from, distance oneself from the encounter or situation at hand.
But where do most retreat to? Is it through more noise, distractions, FB / drugs, booze or a one night stand?
Or do we close our eyes and be still, take stock and connect with Source as a provider of all things? With it, the inclusion of sustenance, words of love, comfort, wisdom, calm and clarity? The great mother that we need to nurture our selves?

The skies are set up right now for a massive overhaul, and most of us would have been experiencing some level of shifts and with major issues small and big breakdowns leading to a catapult breakthrough.

All around you now you have the opportunity to break through and live your truth. Bit by bit the pieces of your life are being shattered. Those that are meant for you will be there, Those who aren’t, the time has come to relinquish any attachment, old karma and for some years after years of repeats and old stories can finally be broken through, especially if you have been doing the work.

The last few weeks I have kept on seeing the image card (above for this post) in my mind, and have been experiencing these micro breakthroughs in my life. Be the observer and notice what is going, what needs to be let go, and who and what is coming in.

It is your life. Your spiritual growth...

For the full article:

Scorpio and its correlating bodywork and chakra:

Sacral chakra your sexual centre the home of relating, where you dwell. Its the seat of power, work, relationships, sex and money.
Any hip opener exercise would be beneficial. Lots of women and men hold onto a lot of emotion and often stored in the hip and pelvic area. Stiff and rigid hips, pelvis and reproductive organs and any lower region issues are signs of blocked energy and or emotional dysfunction. Scorpio is the sign of going deep, so yoga hip openers are ideal.
Rage and painful emotions are also formed here so can cause inflammation and infections. Think colour orange to encourage healing and sound, OH, a long vowel sound to balance and simulate.

What I have been reading:

Terror, Love & Brainwashing: Attachment in Cults and totalitarian Systems, by Alexander Stein - a past victim her self and her fascination and study spanning over 25 years of what makes anyone be' radically manipulated to engage in dangerous groups through brainwashing, tribal cohesion and love. ( very interesting heavy going as it is a book based on heavy research and wide-ranging interviews).
Once again the origins and association of this hijacking stemmed from disorganised attachment, stemmed in childhood. Narcissism being on an increase I find this topic of great fascination, be it from the perpetrator and or from one who has escaped the clutches of one.

Codependent No More A book I have had in my library. This I dip into as it had many pointers on the facets of those in codependent relationships, mainly based on her journey, as a recovered addict, and group facilitator. The emphasis is on those in relationships with addictions or anyone with strong controlling behaviour and issues around being in any healthy relationship. Heather Plett a heart centred 'Space Holder' refers codependency to - "an over-functioning adult", which I feel is a kinder less stigmatic than a codependent, but the symptoms and behaviour patterns are similar if not the same. Either way, it is a common factor in many people whether one likes the label or not, but it is estimated that 90% of adults are codependent in some shape or form. WOW!

What I will be reading next and just come in:

Extraordinary Relationships: A New Way of Thinking About Human Relationships by Roberta M. Gilbert
I love reading, learning and getting a better understanding of human relationships and development and its effects personally and collectively. This book opens up the discussion of Family relationships and its systems and how it affects your Psyche and emotional development.
With the nodes changing signs into Cancer - North Node and Capricorn the south node position for the next 18 months, it is and will be a critical time in releasing any mother (family) wounding we still carry individually and collectively. Working with my Lifescrpit Energy programme will massively shift and heal the childhood wounding and transform its energetics and original coding. These will run from our retreat ( big news below!) in Portugal. Please contact me if you would like to be informed of the upcoming dates.

What is new!

I have new offers on my website of life guidance readings and a 'Coaching' package You Matter check it out or pass it on to anyone who may be interested or could do with it! Any referral will earn you 20% off any of my online services and readings.

What I am excited about!!!

Dreams come true as with intentions and ideals. I have been gifted by Providence with a farmhouse property in North Portugal. I had this vision posted on my living room/office wall in post-it notes for 2018. I will be hosting retreats and programmes and am now taking inquiries for bookings. The readers here get the first opportunity to inquire and prebook. This means if any of you wish to book a course or workshops we are open to your creative programme. A new intake of bookings from March 2019. These are based on a 7-day stay and or 2- 3 night stay weekends Friday - Sunday or Monday and weekday packages of 2-3 days. We cater to your programme requirements. Please contact for more information and images

Finally, a little gift to pass on:

I usually write and send my newsletter or publish new feature articles on my website around the phases of the moon particularly around the New and Full Moon.
Here is a link for you to download a free digital Moon Phase calendar for 2019. You can also make other purchases for yourself and or a friend : Free Digital Moon Phase Calendar by Spiral Spectrum.
Happy New Moon and know this Scorpio New Moon is a great transformer for us to call forth your creativity and how and who you want to do your life with. Be bold and get clear and do a ritual, burn sage to release and burn off any unwanted energies, mindsets and people you know deep down has run its course and is not for you. Light a candle and set your intentions carefully and clearly. This is a potent new moon and what you ask for must come from your heart and not from an ego-based desire. Write them down, ten maximum. I write mine in a special notebook so I can refer to it as I would in a journal. Anything you want to let go of, I tend to this on a separate sheet of paper and burn it, usually in a makeshift fire pit or my chiminea. Before my writing, I typically burn some sage and shake a rattle around my auric field. This I do to cleanse any accumulated negativity ensuring the release process. Very Scorpionioc as we are embracing the Scorpio New Moon Energies. Whatever your ritual, it is well worth the effort and time in doing something.

As with this purging and transformational time, we collectively have shifted Nodes which are karmic. North Node in Cancer and South Node in Capricorn. More about these in my next newsletter/article. Simplistically put it is all about SECURITY. Emotional and material power is the principal emphases of this shift and theme.

Nurture your inner child in the meantime, there are several essays on my website around this. The Divine Feminine energy is emerging, and this indeed is a time for the nourishment of this essence within ourselves.

Claim your good, walk in truth.

Much Love & Vibrancy,

Rafah xx
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Instagram: rafah_sabbagh

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About me

Change Agent, Multidimensional Guide & Coach, Intuitive Life Transformer - Rafah Sabbagh helps you to get back on track to 'Live a Vibrant Life, Inside & Out - are for those who choose to take ownership and lead a life on their own terms.

A natural communicator, connector and a creative, Rafah is a retreat host who also offers bespoke packages, group work, one to ones to suit your life, your needs and your visions. 'Our dreams and visions only come through the changes we make and the actions we take.'
A pragmatic leader, motivator and inspirer, Rafah loves seeing people claiming their lives and embrace change as an adventure to enjoy and witness the shifts they make to Live a Vibrant Life.


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