Wednesday 9 December 2015 Dear colleague Welcome to Global AgeWatch where we bring you the latest ageing developments and resources. Please forward


Wednesday 9 December 2015

Dear colleague

Welcome to Global AgeWatch where we bring you the latest ageing developments and resources. Please forward this to any contacts who may want to sign up.


The 17 SDGs (c) Project Everyone

SDG indicators that make the difference for older people

A small number of indicators could make the difference for older people, but there are still some concerns about age disaggregation, reports Rachel Albone from the Inter-agency Expert Group meeting in Bangkok.


AIDS ribbon (c) National AIDS Trust

Ageing HIV epidemic

More and more people aged over 50 have HIV, but services are still not equipped to address the needs of older people, our World AIDS Day update shows.


Pham Nhung from the Vietnam Association of the Elderly addressing the UN Open-ended Working Group on Ageing (c) HelpAge International

Towards a convention on the rights of older people

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on measures to promote the rights and dignity of older persons on 17 November. This confirms that the process towards a convention continues.




China will promote the integration of healthcare with care of older people to address its ageing population.


Finland has announced healthcare reforms to cut the costs of treating its ageing population.


The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection together with the National Health Insurance Authority has registered over five hundred older people in the Ghanaian municipality of Techiman onto the National Health Insurance Scheme.



Research into the impact of limited access to public transport on older people’s health and livelihoods in Tanzania has been named one of the most impressive examples of UK research contributing to development by the UK Collaborative on Development Sciences.



The Charles Street Symposium competition for young researchers takes place in London on 17-18 March 2016. Submissions addressing "How can we ensure that ageing societies are more prosperous societies?" are due in by 25 January 2016.

The International Federation on Ageing's 13th Global Conference takes place in Brisbane, Australia on 21-23 June 2016. Speakers include Toby Porter, CEO of HelpAge International.


Further reading

Active ageing

A Covenant on Demographic Change promoting environments that support active and healthy ageing has been launched by the European Commission and the EU-funded Innovation for Age-Friendly Environments.

As Singapore faces the trebling of its older population by 2030, robotics are being designed to assist older people.

Age-friendly cities

Brazil’s infrastructure needs to be more age-friendly, says Professor Andrea Pfützenreuter from the Federal University of Santa Catanne.

Climate change and disaster risk reduction

Climate change in an ageing world from HelpAge International outlines the impacts of climate change on older people. It reiterates the global call for an immediate binding agreement during COP21 in Paris and makes recommendations to address the specific needs of older people.


The 2015/2016 Global Monitoring Report from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund examines the impact of demographic change. It urges richer countries to adapt their policies and institutions to foster healthy and productive ageing.

Ending gender inequality in older age: Guidance for EU development policy by HelpAge International’s network of independent EU affiliates explains the nature of gender inequality in older age and recommends how EU policies can be implemented in a way that will benefit all people in older age.


The OECD’s Health at a Glance 2015 compares the performance of health systems in OECD countries. It shows that sexually-transmitted diseases in older age are an area of neglect.

The latest Diabetes Atlas from the International Diabetes Federation includes age-disaggregated findings on many countries.

The clash between people living with dementia in Japan and the sharp corners of a fast-paced society are discussed in this article.

Older women

The 2015 Special Edition of AARP International’s The Journal on Women: Illuminating Progress includes a piece on Equality for women of all ages by HelpAge International CEO, Toby Porter.

NPR reports that women aged 65 or older living in poverty in the United States outnumber men in the same circumstances by more than 2 to 1.


The OECD’s Pensions at a Glance 2015 highlights the pension reforms undertaken by OECD and G20 countries over the last two years.

Global Aging and Retirement Security in Emerging Markets: Reassessing the Role of Funded Pensions from the non-profit Global Aging Institute discusses the challenges around pension systems in ageing emerging markets.


Government data from South Korea shows the number of temporary workers has risen as more older people have joined the workforce.

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