Hello friend,

I'm popping into your inbox to say hi and tell you about a few things I think you'll enjoy.

But before I do, let me ask: How are you? (Seriously, I'm really asking. Feel free to hit reply and let me know.)

These past few weeks, have been a little draining, haven't they?

Many of us are in back-to-school mode and then have been so many natural disasters, plus remembering 9/11 yesterday...it's been exhausting, physically and mentally.

I'm sending hugs. And chocolate.

If you are feeling worn down, I want to encourage you to take a few minutes to pause and breathe. Get out in the fresh air, if possible. And move your body. Even if it's just a short walk or a few stretches. These activities can really give us a boost during difficult times.

I wanted to write and share my latest posts with you, and let you know I have a giveaway going on for a container of zinc oxide. It seems somewhat meaningless with everything happening in the world right now! Which is probably why I have procrastinated so much in sending this email!

Hugs all around.

Last week, the blog was dedicated to Zinc Oxide.

I discussed what it is and how to use it, then shared a few recipes so you could make a few personal care items with it if desired.

Here are the posts:

Note: The giveaway for a container of Zinc Oxide is at the bottom of each of these posts. It ends in less than 48 hours, so be sure to enter if you'd like to win. I'll be sending an extra homemade treat from me along with the prize :)

Zinc Oxide Giveaway

What is Zinc Oxide, plus a GIVEAWAY

Ever wondered what Zinc Oxide actually is? This post gives you the scoop. Plus there's a giveaway at the end.

Click here to read about Zinc Oxide and enter the giveaway

Homemade Diaper Rash Cream

Homemade Diaper Rash Cream

This all-natural homemade diaper rash cream is quick and easy to make. It combines coconut oil, calendula, zinc oxide, and bentonite clay to soothe and heal.

Click here to get the recipe.

homemade anti-itch cream

Homemade Anti-Itch Cream

This quick and easy anti-itch cream is great for soothing bug bites and rashes. It's much like calamine lotion. Only it's not pink.

Click here to see how easy it is to make.

Homemade Sunscreen

Homemade Sunscreen

In this post, I share three simple ways to make all-natural homemade sunscreen. Each one uses zinc oxide.

Click here for the DIY Sunscreen recipes.

One last thing . . .

Do you need to save money on healthy groceries?

If so, I think you'll love this awesome (and free) video course from Tiffany at Don't Waste the Crumbs.

She is SO good at teaching this stuff! I love how easy she makes saving money on real food. This course is only available for a few more days, so sign up to get the videos and workbook ASAP.

Much love,

P.S.Click here to signup for the Grocery Savings Made Simple video series.
P.P.S. Click here to access all the posts about Zinc Oxide and enter the giveaway.

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