
Friend, can you believe it is already November?

Where did the year go? We hope your homeschool is off to a fantastic start and you feel like you are making progress!!

Wendy and I wanted to send out a note to say hey and to just catch up with you, and to share a little about what we have been up to lately.

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We are finally back home after almost a solid month of travel. First we took over 160 homeschoolers to Space Camp in Huntsville for family camp. Did you know we now organize Homeschool Enrichment Adventure Road Trips? If you are not familiar with our new travel division, join our group to find out more about our 2018 road trips!

Space Camp was our second annual road trip, and it was wildly popular! Seriously, the adults had as much fun as the kids (maybe even a little bit more)! Click the image to the left to watch one of the dads who traveled with us do the "moon walk." I promise you will laugh! I have always said the children don't need socializing... the parents do!! And clearly, we have figured out how to have fun on these trips!

We were not home long before we were back on the road headed to a blogging conference in Dallas. There Wendy and I met some amazing mentors, made lots of new friends from around the world, and even got to meet some of our online friends who have written for Hip Homeschool Moms over the years! So it was sort of a family reunion without that weird uncle!! LOL. And I have a confession to make... although Wendy and I have owned the business for several years now, sometimes we still feel like we are newbies at this whole blogging thing! We know we have so much to learn, and Digi Colab / Success Incubator was a great start to launch our plans for 2018!

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Finally we headed to Nashville for Christy Wright's Business Boutique. We met up with another dear friend, Simply Sherryl, and soaked up so much inspiration and motivation from some amazing women in business. And here in Nashville, one of the women who was being recognized on stage was a friend who wrote for us for a while, Stacy from Humorous Homemaking. Seems everywhere we go we bump into friends! What a blessing!


If you haven't visited the Hip Homeschool Moms website lately, come visit. We added several new features this year and really feel like we are headed in the right direction. In September of this year, we hit 1,000,000 page views for 2017. That is another huge milestone for us. We have never hit that number in one year... much less in the third quarter of the year!

While you are on the website, pay special attention to our deals section. We don't just post random deals. All the deals have to be the "real deal." We actually use a tool to track the price of products to be sure each deal we are sharing really is a great deal and has over 4 stars... not some product with a jacked up price and fake reviews to make it look attractive. We will be working hard from Black Friday through Cyber Monday to bring you the best deals!


We Are So Blessed!

One of the things Wendy and I took away from these conferences is just how blessed we are to be doing what we love to do. We have a passion for homeschooling and helping you be successful at it!

We have some fun things planned for next year, but we aren't here to make any announcements... we really just wanted to take a moment to say THANKS!!

Thanks for being a friend and allowing us to be a part of your homeschool journey.

Thanks for being you and doing homeschool in a way that works best for your family!

And thanks for being part of the Hip Homeschool Moms community!

We look forward to seeing what God has in store for us in 2018!


Questions or Suggestions?

We would love to hear from you! Drop us a note to say hey, give us some suggestions, or send us your questions. We really want to be a blessing to you and the homeschool community!!

Reach out to us at!

Trish and Wendy

wendy and Trish
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