Hello everyone Ooooooooh look what's on its way to me! More fabrics from Tula Pink's gorgeous Moonshine range.. Strawberry Lanterns and Swarm in Jam.

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Hello everyone
Ooooooooh look what's on its way to me! More fabrics from Tula Pink's gorgeous Moonshine range.. Strawberry Lanterns and Swarm in Jam. Pre order listings are now live (see below) for both yards and half yards and I expect to be shipping all orders for these 2 fabrics out to everyone around the 10th April. For all of you within Canada remember I can send up to 2.5yds as a large letter for $5.41 - 3yds upwards is over the large letter maximum weight and has to go as a parcel.

DEER strawberry

Dear Me in Strawberry hopefully won't be far behind these two in arriving.. latest info from Westminster Fibers is indicating it will arrive to them on the 11th April (but may arrive early) and ship out to stockists after they have put it on bolts 2wks later. Thank you all ever so much for being so patient waiting for the Dear Me to come back into stock xox.

16th Century selfie Tart

Next I'd like to expand my range of Tula Pink Elizabeth fabrics when they come back into stock at Westminster Fibers mid June.. so if you have your eye on any in particular just let me know! There is a little bit of my last shipment of Elizabeth still available for purchase in my Etsy shop.

mini owl orchid PWTC026.ORCHI

You probably know already that Tula Pinks True colors range is due for release in May & I'd love to get some of the mini owls if there's enough interest.

Mini owl pacific PWTC026.PACIF

The orchid purple (see above) and the navy (see left) are especially lovely. What do you think? If you'd like some mini owls in just let me know :)

That's all my news for now.
Wishing you all a very happy Easter!

email: fionakelly@tangledblossomsdesign.com

P.S. Westminster Fibers updated their retail website yesterday and i've seen previews of Tula Pinks range coming in September! It's called Eden and is filled with Butterflies, Tigers, Elephants and flowers... I'll show you some preview photos in my next newsletter ;)

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