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A full calendar of events can be found in the Compass App

4th March - School Twilight Carnival
21st March - Harmony Day
30th March - School Photos
4th April - Twilight Sports

In this edition...

I hope everyone is excited for our upcoming Twilight Carnival on the 4th of March. A lot of time and effort has gone into making this event a successful one so please come and support our community this Saturday.

Specialist Captains

Congratulations to our newly appointed Specialist Captains who received their badges last Friday. I know that the new additions to our student leadership team will make a significant difference to our specialist programs and be a voice for all students at MVPS.

Health, PE and Science Captains: Thomas H and Lachie H
Language Captains: Xristos K and Sienna S
Performing Arts Captains: Logan M and Issei S
Visual Arts Captain: Olivia M and June B
Special Celebrations Captains: Oscar T and Amira F
Wellbeing Captains: Catalina H and Violet U

Behavioural Incidents and what to do

Sometimes children come home and tell their parents of an incident that upset or concerned them during the day. As your child’s advocate this can be very upsetting to know that they have faced challenges whilst at school and, it can lead to feeling helpless or wishing to speak directly to the families of the students who were involved in the incident. Using this strategy can lead to an incident escalating when it could be quickly nipped in the bud and addressed by the school staff.
Please email or speak to your child’s teacher as your first point of contact. You can contact all staff via Compass to do this. If the incident requires further investigation speak to the Team Leader of the year level, followed by Ms Tinetti and then me as the Principal of the school. This means that the staff who work closely with your child will be able to review the issue quickly whereas if you seek support directly from the Principal Class, it may take us longer to both respond to your concern and get to the heart of the matter at hand. We thank you for following this procedure to ensure that student wellbeing is addressed quickly and respectfully for all parties involved.

Team Leaders:
5/6: Andrew Patterson
3/4: Jennifer Pritchard
1/2: Laura Crothers
Prep: Marianne Carter
Specialist team: Mariana Surenian
Inclusion Team: Stephanie Gatehouse

Uniform Survey results

Thank you to the forty-six parents/carers who responded to our Dress Code survey. Whilst there is always differing opinions about Dress Codes in schools, the feedback provided has given us some great insights regarding modifications required to our current uniform. Trackpants, skorts and warmer clothing for chilly weather came up a lot. As did the price point and location of Surrey Clothing. These will be strongly reviewed by School Council when we review both our policy and current provider. Please see the Dress Code survey feedback attached to the newsletter Compass post for further insights.

Free Kinder in 2023

Three- and Four-Year-Old Kinder will be free and available across Victoria at participating services in 2023. Free Kinder is available in both long day care and sessional (standalone) settings.
Savings for families
Free Kinder means a saving of up to $2,500 per child, each year. Free Kinder funding for kindergarten programs is on top of the funding already provided to kindergarten services each year by the Victorian Government.
Participating kindergarten services delivering Free Kinder will receive the funding directly from the Victorian Government, so families are not out of pocket (and don’t have to claim the savings back).
Hours per week of Free Kinder
For three-year-olds, Free Kinder means from 5 and up to 15 hours per week of a kindergarten program
For four-year-olds, Free Kinder means 15 hours per week (600 hours a year).
Savings in a long day care setting
If your child attends a funded kindergarten program in a long day care (childcare) setting, a $2,000 Free Kinder subsidy (paid direct to the program provider) for a 15-hour program will offset your out-of-pocket fees. Most families will still pay some fees for their child’s attendance across the week, depending on the number of days attended and their Commonwealth Childcare Subsidy entitlement.
Please read the information attached to the Compass notification to learn more.

JSC and Green Team Badge Presentation 9am Friday 10th March

We are looking forward to presenting the JSC and Green team with their badges at our next assembly. Due to the long weekend, we have moved the assembly time to 9:15am to ensure that all leaders will be there to receive their badge. We will return to afternoon assemblies after the 10th.

See you all at the Carnival!
Tracy Skiba

4 Values

Prep C - Evie F
Prep D - Zac W
1/2C - Ryan R
1/2D - Thea R
1/2N - Teya L
1/2P - Camilla Y
3/4P - Ed H
3/4R - Grace S
5/6A - Giva R

Class Coordinators 2023

Thank you to 3 of our fabulous parents who have already signed up to be a Class Coordinator.

We are still seeking more Class Coordinators for 2023! The biggest goal for Class Coordinators is to bring the MVPS community together. The expectations of the role include, setting up a ‘group chat’ for the class using ‘whats app’. You will send out the latest information from PA as well as reminders with what is happening at school. You will organise social events for the children and of course parents get togethers. You will also rally the troops for volunteers when MVPS are seeking them for school events and fundraisers.
The Class Coordinator program operates in our school to assist in the communication between the classroom teachers and parents. This could be to help get parent volunteers for excursions, classroom activities and programs.
Here is a snapshot of some tasks you may be doing:
● connecting parents together
● connecting children together
● creating a group chat in whats app
● sharing PA information
● sharing information from the teachers- excursion volunteers, bringing in headphones etc.
● rally the troops for the end of term BBQ
● end of year gift for the teacher
As a Class Coordinator you will need a Working With Children Check (WWCC)
If you are interested in being a Class Coordinator for 2023 please click on this link. If you have any questions, please contact me.
Amy Tinetti
Assistant Principal

Carnival News - 4 days to go

Can you believe 2023 MVPS Twilight Carnival is now only 4 days away?! Please see this link for the Carnival Newsletter and stay up to date with all the excitement.

Major Partners
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With interest rates on the rise, there’s never been a better time to review your home loan. Pop into Bendigo Bank, Malvern East’s marquee at next Saturday's MVPS Twilight Carnival and speak to Ruth Hall, the Manager of Malvern East branch or one of her friendly team for your home loan health check today.
A home loan health check looks at your rate, term, repayments, and equity, giving your loan a full check-up to make sure it’s still right for you and your current needs. New or existing customers welcome.

Unfortunately due to carnival set up, there will be NO sports morning this Friday 3rd March.

Mr Nathan, Mr Roode and Mr Brown

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