Special Deadlines Issue for Writers and Poets (To my subscriber: Because of the size of this issue, I was forced to email it in two parts. This is Pa

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Special Deadlines Issue for Writers and Poets
(To my subscriber: Because of the size of this issue, I was forced to email it in two parts. This is Part 2. If you did not receive Part 1, please email me and I will send it to you. My info. is at the end. Thank you.


13. Jane Lumley Prize For Emerging Writers
The judges will award the poet of the best poem with a cash prize of $300 and publish his or her poetry in the January 2015 issue. Two runner-ups will also receive publications. Other submissions may also be published. Deadline: 11/30/2014. Fees: $0.

14. The Lyric College Poetry Contest
The contest, sponsored by The Lyric magazine (est. 1921), will award a first-place prize of $500 and a second-place prize of $100 to poets who have written the best poem on any topic. Deadline: 12/01/2014. Fees: $0.

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15. Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets
The African Poetry Book Fund at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is accepting entries for the Sillerman First Book Prize for African Poets. The winner is awarded a cash prize of $1,000 (US), plus publication. Deadline: 12/01/2014. Fees: $0.

16. The Smith College Poetry Prize
The Poetry Center at Smith College (Northampton, MA) sponsors the annual Poetry Prize which is open to sophomore and junior girls who attend high school in the New England area (U.S.). The finalist receives a cash prize of $500 for the best poem written in English. Deadline: 12/01/2014. Fees: $0.

You find more writing and poetry contests to enter for free here, here, and here.


The following listings are extra editorial/writing opportunities for subscribers of this free eNewsletter.

1. Applications Open to Canadian Writer-in-Residence
The Calgary Distinguished Writers Program encourages submissions from promising Canadian writers for the position of Canadian Writer-in-Residence, a ten-month residency at the University of Calgary’s Faculty of Arts from September 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. This is a unique opportunity for early to mid-career Canadian writers to devote their time to writing and to advancing their writing careers. Application deadline: 01/31/2015. No entry fee.

2. From the Corner of Your Eye: A Cryptids Anthology Needs Dark Fiction
Great Old Ones Publishing is seeking dark fiction for a new anthology about cryptids and creatures. Word length: 3K-8K words. Token payment: $25/story. Deadline: January 31st, 2015.

3. Qu Lit Mag Seeks Prose and Poetry for Forthcoming Issue
Students of the Master of Fine Arts program at Queens Univ. of Charlotte are seeking submissions for its contemporary literary journal called Qu Lit Mag. Currently, the editorial staff is accepting poetry, fiction, and essays that are fresh, creative, and speculative in style. Word length for prose is up to 4K words. Poetry has an open line count. Token Payment: $10/prose, and $5/poem. Deadline is December 1, 2014.

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4. The Fiddlehead Seeks Prose and Poetry for Future Issues
Canadian literary journal The Fiddlehead is open for submissions of short fiction and poetry. The Fiddlehead is published quarterly by the University of New Brunswick and edited by faculty and students. The editors review new works on a recurring schedule and welcome all styles, forms, and themes. Payment: $40/published page. The Fiddlehead is also running two writing contests--one for poetry and the other for fiction--until December 1st. First-place in each category awards $2,000, plus publication.

5. Ghostwoods Books Seeks Submissions for Lovecraftian Horror Anthology
This anthology has the working title of Cthulhu Lies Dreaming. The overarching theme will have to do with the way in which Cthulhu's dreams interact with the real world, either in the past or in the modern day. What horrors would Cthulhu dream of? Story length: 3,000 to 8,000 words. Pays a small advance plus an author share per story of 50% of the proceeds from the book. Deadline: TBA.

6. "Promising Beginnings" Contest
The winner of this contest will receive full payment of conference registration, meals during the conference, and economy lodging for the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference, held in the Santa Cruz Mountains near San Jose, California, March 25-31, 2015. Deadline: 11/30/2014. Fees: $0.

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7. Call for Proposals: APH 20th Anniversary Conference
The Association of Personal Historians (APH)  is seeking facilitators interested in proposing workshops that promote proficiency in the competencies to which personal historians aspire (refer to the Competency Categories in the right sidebar). Also welcome are proposals for other topics that personal historians might find helpful. Workshop facilitators will receive an honorarium of $100 per 90-minute segment. Deadline: January 31, 2015.

8. McDaniels Marketing Invites Copywriters to Submit Portfolios
McDaniels Marketing is a team of strategically creative innovators who are always thinking and collaborating for unique ways. The agency welcomes creative freelance copywriters experienced in both online and traditional marketing and advertising to submit their contact info. and portfolios for possible future work and assignments.

9. APPLESEEDS magazine Seeks Stories for Children
APPLESEEDS is a 36-page, multidisciplinary, nonfiction social studies magazine for children ages 6 and up (primarily in grades 3 & 4). The current theme is "Animal Intelligence." How smart are animals? What amazing things are we learning about their intelligence? Story length: 1-4 pages (150 words per page). Payment: $50 per page. Deadline: December 1, 2014.

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10. Call for Abstracts: The Ultimate Star Trek and Philosophy
Abstracts and subsequent essays should be philosophically substantial but accessible, written to engage the intelligent lay reader. Works focusing on the five television series and twelve Star Trek films are acceptable, and supplementary material from the "expanded universe" of Star Trek novels, comics, and video games may be included as well. Contributors of accepted essays will receive an honorarium. Deadline: December 1, 2014.

11. Kasma SF Magazine Opens for Sci-Fi Stories
The editor welcomes writers to submit science fiction between 1000 and 5000 words in length. The editor wants fiction that is intelligent, with well-thought out plots and characters--everything in-between is left to the creativity of the writer. Pays $25/story. Deadline: TBA.

12. Harlequin is Acquiring New Love Inspired Suspense Titles
Romance publisher Harlequin is reviewing manuscripts for possible publication. The editors want edge-of-the-seat, contemporary romantic suspense tales of intrigue and romance featuring Christian characters facing challenges to their faith and to their lives. Manuscript length: 55-60,000 words. Deadline: TBA.

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13. Celebration of Black Writing 2015: Call For Authors And Presenters
The Celebration of Black Writing (CBW) is one of the oldest and most prominent events in the nation putting the spotlight on black literary, visual and performing arts. Art Sanctuary is seeking authors, artists and presenters whose works promote their mission, "To use the power of black art to transform individuals, create and build community, and foster cultural understanding," to be featured in CBW activities. Application deadline: December 1, 2014.

14. Wayward Ink Publishing Seeks Musical Stories for M/M Anthology
Wayward Ink Publishing is seeking romantic M/M short stories for its ENCORE anthology. Pick a musical (list available at website) and let your imagination run wild. Perhaps one of your guys is playing the male lead. Or maybe he's the director… a stagehand… the costume or set designer. Length: 3K-15K words. Payment: $40-$80 per story. Deadline: December 30, 2014.

15. Superstars Writing Seminar Scholarship Program 2015
Superstars is an intense business seminar--a drink-from-the-fire-hose deluge of real-world information designed to help attendees better navigate the Publishing landscape--targeted to serious writers looking to break in or enhance their career. The Superstars Scholarship covers the basic cost of the seminar. Application deadline: November 22, 2014.

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16. Strange Horizons magazine Seeks More Contributors to Submit Reviews
Speculative fiction magazine Strange Horizons (est. 2000) is seeking more writers to contribute reviews. Strange Horizons regularly publishes comprehensive reviews of new speculative art, literature and entertainment, covering the gamut of books, art, TV and visual media. Token payment: $30/review.

17. Perpetual Motion Machine Needs Dark Fiction for Newsletter
Perpetual Motion Machine is currently looking for flash fiction to publish exclusively in its newsletter. The editor is interested in dark fiction in the horror, science fiction, crime, and noir genres.Word length: under 1,000 words. Payment: $20 per piece. Deadline: TBA.

18. Law Street Media Seeking Bloggers
Bloggers are responsible for publishing a minimum of one new post each week. Deep interest in law, public policy, and current events, as well as a creative, entrepreneurial spirit are essential. Law Street Media maintains offices in Washington and New York. Bloggers can be based out of any location. Payment: TBD.

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19. Science Fiction and Philosophy Seeks Submissions
A new quarterly journal called Science Fiction and Philosophy is inviting writers to submit both fiction and nonfiction stories for a general readership. Sci Phi Journal is a spinoff of the Sci Phi Show, a weekly podcast of sci-fi and philosophy. Word length: 1K-4K words/story. Payment: 5 cents/word. Deadline: ongoing.

20. Open for Applications: Victoria A. Hudson Emerging Writer 2015
The Victoria A. Hudson Emerging Writer Scholarship will award a registration scholarship to one emerging writer of any genre to attend the San Francisco Writers Conference, 2015. http://www.sfwriters.org. Scholarship covers registration fee only. Apply by December 1, 2014.

21. The Sun-Sentinel Welcomes Local Freelance Writers
The Sun-Sentinel publishes the work of freelance journalists who can cover local news events for publication in the Sun-Sentinel Community News sections. Some freelance work also is published in the International section, features sections and Sunshine magazine.

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22. SciFi Romance Quarterly Seeks Stories for Upcoming Issue
SciFi Romance Quarterly's deadline to submit stories is December 1, 2014. Stories that tie-in to a previously established world will be considered, but story must stand alone. All sub-genres of science fiction will be considered. Length: 2,000 to 7,500 words. Payment: 2 cents/word paid upon publication.

23. The Warren Undergraduate Review Opens for Submissions
The journal aims to foster the growth of a vibrant multidisciplinary creative culture at the University while providing invaluable exposure for young writers, thinkers and artists. The journal is roughly 30 pages long and has an approximate print distribution of 500. Published contributors will receive a small honorarium, a free copy of the journal, and a ticket to our release event in March.

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Find More Writing Opportunities at FreelanceWriting.com

1. Online Writing Jobs section has a large selection of current freelance writing jobs. Our database lets you search, sort, and filter jobs based on payment, job type, employer, etc.
2. Paid Writing Gigs sections offers additional freelance writing opportunities that employers do not post at job sites.
3. Writer's Guidelines Database has over 800 submission guidelines of publications that pay freelance writers.
4. Paid Article Writing Jobs is a compilation of sites and small writing agencies that frequently recruit freelance writers.
5. Hey Writers! is a microblog listing misc. calls for submissions, token markets, and writing leads for writers and poets.

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Tip Me 2 Bucks
If this issue or a past issue of my Special Deadlines Issue has benefited you in some way, then consider tipping me $2 bucks for my time and efforts. I use all donations to offset the high cost of using a reliable, anti-spam email service provider, as well as to buy myself some extra coffee, candy bars, and Mountain Dew so I can work extra hard for you. Right now, I have over 70 writing opportunities for the month of December that I may only partially touch. With your donation, I will be able to post more calls for submissions at WritingCareer.com and send out another issue on time. You can tip me $2 (or more) via a secure PayPal donation.

Thank you in advance!
-- Brian Scott, publisher


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1. Facebook4Freelancers.com (our Facebook Group)
2. CreativeGenius101.blogspot.com (my blog)
3. WritingCareer.com (my Tumblr)
4. Pinterest Board (my creative designs and creative writing quotes)
5. FreelanceWriting.com (our website)
6. Follow me on TWITTER (I'm a nice guy to follow) - Brian Scott

Mistakes, Errors, Broken Links? I never make mistakes. If you spot a mistake or error, please email me (brianscott001@freelancewriting.com) so I can fix it fast and blame somebody else. Thank you.

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