Dear Readers and Friends, Thought I'd share a little holiday cheer. Last night, our Elf on the Shelf, Zoe, arrived to greet the kids. She has a cast

DD newsletter2015
Elf on the shelf

Dear Readers and Friends,

Thought I'd share a little holiday cheer. Last night, our Elf on the Shelf, Zoe, arrived to greet the kids. She has a cast (so she knows some of what the 7-year-old is experiencing). We already have the Christmas tree up—a lovely, tacky, fake white Christmas tree with all our ornament-treasures we've gathered over the years. We start an advent calendar tomorrow night, counting down to Christmas. The kids get candies, pencils, small gifts stuffed in the calendar pockets so that every morning is special. On the 6th, the kids leave their shoes outside the front door to get a hint whether Santa thinks they've been naughty or nice. They'll either get lumps of coal or a small gift let inside their shoes. All of this leads up to the night before Christmas when we have our "Ugly Sweater Party" and take pictures. We go all out. Easter's almost as much fun. (So is Sharknado night!) We think of ways to keep the fun in big and small celebrations. And I don't see all the bother ending when the kids stop believing in Santa or Krampus, because the adults love every minute too!

But let's look briefly back at the month that's ending. November was rough for a whole lot of reasons, but mostly...

NaNoWriMo. I really, really wanted to hit my 50k-word goal this year, but travel and illness nixed it.

Trip from Hell. The trip to Virginia to spend time with my son and his family over Thanksgiving went well until the day after Thanksgiving, when every single one of us began to fall sick. Worst stomach bug ever! We crawled back to Arkansas through torrential rains and 45-mile-an-hour gusts of wind.

I did manage to finish some stories and get them published. I hope you've sampled them. Thanks to everyone who's already told me they want more Sara and Hunter! I'm listening...

As for what's coming in December other than all the family time moments...

I plan three releases. I'll be leading a FREE workshop to help authors plan their work in 2017, called "Write 50 Books a Year." If you're interested in joining in, here's the link: Workshop Link

I'm big into New Year prep and resolutions. I'm still working on my 2017 mind maps. Anyways, sorry this was so long. I hope your December is wonderful! Drink plenty of mulled wine and rummy eggnog! Cheers!

A Glance Back At November

SOWithHisSEALTeam2 600

With His SEAL Team, Part 2

An Amazon #1 bestselling short story!

Sharing my life with three virile Navy SEALs would be exhausting for most girls. But I'm not most girls. They're high-drive, high T guys, competitive as hell, and I'm the one who reaps the rewards when they're ready to blow off a little steam. I'm Sara. I belong to Hunter. Our relationship is a little complicated...

Get your copy at Amazon!


UltraStrokes 600

Ultra Strokes

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author, Delilah Devlin, comes a sinfully hot collection for your reading pleasure...

From the author:
"This compilation includes twelve stories I believe are among my very best. Most are contemporary stories, but there are futuristic, historical, steampunk, and paranormal tales included in the mix. The collection is intended for bed-time reading. Read the stories while you're alone or with your partner. Read them to your partner.

I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I enjoyed writing them. Bon appétit!"

Get your copy at Amazon!


BetweenaSEALandaHardPlace 600

Between a SEAL and a Hard Place
Uncharted SEALs, Book 7

The last person world-class sniper, Wolf Kinkaid, expected to see in the cross hairs of his rifle during an operation to take down a drug cartel assassin was his pretty, bounty hunter wife. He takes the shot, disarming the bad guy, but the assassin wasn’t working alone, and now, Piper is a target for revenge.

Solution? The two of them hole up in a safe house while his team tries to find the assassin’s psychotic brother. Piper and Wolf have issues to resolve, and all that time alone gives them something they haven’t enjoyed in excess for a while—each other. But while they get close, the enemy closes in…

Get your copy at Amazon!


BadBadGirlfriend2 600

Bad, Bad Girlfriend

Jolene Ledbetter is a big, beautiful woman with an even bigger heart. But she’s figured out that she’s become her studly, police officer boyfriend’s favorite doormat. Having put off the conversation she knows has to happen after his partner was shot, she’s ready now to tell him to “pee or get off the pot”—after a bout of really great sex.

Gabriel Devine has seen what his profession does to marriages. He’s not willing to risk that kind of heartbreak—not for himself or a wife who might have to face the possibility of getting that dreadful visit from the police chief. Besides, he likes what he has with Jolene. She’s pretty, funny, likes to cook the occasional meal, is ready at the drop of a hat for a little hot loving—but she’s sensible and knows he can’t give her anything more than that. So when Jolie tells him she won’t see him any more if he’s not willing to marry her, he’s shocked and angry.

With a girlfriend’s encouragement, Jolene arranges a special show at a strip club to prove to Gabe once and for all that she’s more woman than any man can handle, and if he's not careful she'll walk her pretty new Louboutins right out of his life.

Get your copy at Amazon!


A Look Toward December

Okay, so I don't have covers to share just yet, but I do have releases planned for the month. Hopefully, you'll get to see the next Step-SEAL story. So many of you have written to say you're dying for Harley to be added to Sara and Hunter's growing family. How can I resist the challenge? We'll see what Santa brings... wink


I always love hearing from you and welcome your comments and suggestions. My email address is

Thank you so much for your support.

With much love and appreciation for you, Delilah

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