Father Lucas Foto

In Memorium

Father Lawrence Lucas

It is with great regret that we observe the passing of Father Lawrence Lucas. Our condolences and deepest solidarity with his family to our loss of a relentless voice and fighter against oppression and injustice.

We share here a video PSA Father Lucas made in 1996 organizing for the first October 22nd National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation.

Native Peoples in the Coronavirus Pandemic: America’s Genocidal Treatment

Navajo Nation Car Line

Vehicles line up for COVID-19 testing outside of the Monument Valley Health Center in Oljato, Utah, April 17. The Navajo Nation has one of the highest per capita COVID-19 infection rates in the country.

Navajo Nation COVID Chart

May 11, 2020 | revcom.us | From a reader:

The 2020 pandemic has begun to shine a spotlight on the gross inequalities within the fabric of U.S. society. It is exposing some of the disproportionate suffering by its Black and Brown populations, even as it is still a partial picture as many states do not provide comprehensive data on who is being affected. Yet the terrible toll on the Native peoples gets little mention in official briefings and reporting.

It has come out that the Navajo Native American reservation (formally known as the Navajo Nation) has the highest coronavirus infection rate outside New York and New Jersey. If it were a state, the Navajo Nation would rank third in the U.S. for confirmed cases per 100,000. The reservation is the size of West Virginia and stretches over more than 27,000 square miles across Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. While Navajo people are less than 6% of Arizona’s population, by May 10, they had over 20% of the state’s confirmed coronavirus cases and nearly 22% of related deaths; and while Native Americans make up about 10% of New Mexico’s population, they are over 57% of coronavirus cases. Read more here...

Also read: Sioux Nations Take a Righteous Stand Against Anti-Science Christian Fascist Governor of South Dakota by Coco Das

Julian Assange

Stop the political persecution of Julian Assange

from World Can't Wait

Julian Assange is fighting extradition to the U.S. on very serious, and potentially, capital charges. Whether Assange acted to support the election of Trump, we don't know, but certainly, his life and freedom are in extreme danger with a fascist regime in power in Washington. We join the demand that the US and the UK drop plans to extradite him.

From revcom.us in 2019: "What makes the case against Julian Assange so unprecedented and dangerous is that this is the first time the Espionage Act has been used against a journalist or someone publishing leaked documents—for making them known to the public—rather than just the original source of the information within the government/military or associated institutions and agencies.

The DOJ denies it is going after journalists and claims that the Assange indictment is about punishing the illegal obtaining and disclosure of classified information, which the DOJ says endangered the lives of American troops, diplomats, and sources. But that’s like a vampire telling you to rest assured while he bites you in the neck. As a range of voices is correctly pointing out, what Assange is accused of doing under the DOJ indictment is no different from what all investigative journalists and their publishers regularly do—and that is very ominous, not only for the rights of journalists but also for the rights of people overall..."

If you missed The Prosecution of Julian Assange and the Fight for Free Speech webinar on April 19, see a five-minute selection here

AmeriKKKa Goddam

Watch Episode 7 of The RNL Show

Catch and Support The RNL Show Episode 7

50 years since Kent and Jackson State murders, Bob Avakian on the Situation of Black People, and Fascist “Reopen” Rallies

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