J1107124 - Brandy Hole Lane board v3 - crop

I confess I wasn't there again for January's Working Party. Whilst I was feeling sorry for myself at home, 3 volunteers joined 2 staff members from Chichester District Council's Environment team, coppicing more chestnut stakes to use offsite for Strategic Wildlife Corridor projects and continuing to cut back laurel. They found the north part of the Copse somewhat flooded with a couple of trees down and ice to break through on the paths!

In the absence of a January photo, I've used one from an old Information Board. Although the text is probably illegible, it's a great reminder of where the footpaths run.

This month's volunteer Working Party is

Tuesday 13th February, 10am – noon.

when we'll be doing more sawing and lopping. Please dress to suit (stout waterproof footwear essential), bring gardening gloves and your own drink. Meet by the green container at the west end of the Copse (by the entrance where there's on-road parking on the north-south section of Brandy Hole Lane). Meet location is approximately here (using What3Words). We have a number of loppers and hand saws to share, or bring your own, if you prefer. The current long-range weather forecast promises sunshine with a gentle breeze, and pretty cold (4-6 degrees) so we'll appreciate the exercise to keep us warm!

We expect this to be the last of this type of activity for a few months, as we move into the Spring nesting season. Wildlife spotting, possibly birds, is likely to be our theme for March.

Do let me know, if you'd like to join us and/or forward this email to anyone else you know who may be interested. Our webpages can be found here, including previous email updates and volunteer information/forms.

With best wishes,

Paula Chatfield
Committee Member, Friends of Brandy Hole Copse

email fobhc@treesinchi.org (please note that this is an incoming email address only - replies will come from my personal email which is paula@parklands-chichester.org )
tel. 07788 140698

P.S. Scheduled future dates for Working Parties until next summer, all second Tuesday of the month and from 10am until noon, are:
* Tuesday 12th March
* Tuesday 9th April
* Tuesday 14th May
* Tuesday 11th June
* Tuesday 9th July.
Activities are decided nearer the time, depending on what needs doing and the constraints of/opportunities for wildlife conservation/surveys.

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