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I'm pleased to announce 2 of my original paintings have been curated by Dr. Erich Keel, former Head of Education at the Kreeger Museum for NAWA’s new show "Transparency"
exhibiting in the Monroe Gallery at

2017 I St. NW Washington, DC 20006 United States of America

Please mark your calendar

EXHIBITION DATES: February 1-23, 2019

RECEPTION: Friday, February 1, 2019, 6:30-8:30pm

These 2 paintings from my "Boston" and "Fair Women" Collections will be on exhibit.

Boston Marathon Angels

The news prompted me to paint the Boylston Street scene to commemorate the events of the Boston Marathon tragedy. The deadly smoke in the image reminded me of Paul Revere’s painting depicting the Boston Massacre of 1770. I felt it was my calling to record yet another Boston tragic event on canvas.

The shocking cruelty of this terrorist attack led me to seek relief by praying for the victims, their families and the many people who came to their aid. With each brush stroke, my prayers were so heartfelt and strong that I found myself transposing the deadly explosion into heavenly cloud shapes of the four victims faces that lost their lives, securing there fate in the heaven with God.

The Boston Marathon tragedy also exposed the best of humanity, which is why I am confident that we will recover, repair and heal. “Boston Marathon Angels” is one of the many outpourings of love that resulted from this day.


Composing my bikini laden model on the edge of an infinity pool, suggests Venus, the goddess of love birthing from the ocean. Surrounded by beautiful Caribbean’s blue hues, shifting from purples to green prompted me to choose the complimentary red umbrella to create a dramatic attraction. Just like the way the islands were made from erupting volcanos I named this painting Volcano too.

I hope you will be able to see the whole Transparency Exhibit of National Association Women Artists selected to show in our Nation's Capital. Please share my news with your friends.

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