Theresa C-2639 12-2021

Theresa Crisci, Founder & COO

September 7, 2023

We Begin Again

Life is all about beginnings and endings. We cannot have one without the other. So my question is always, how am I doing with both of these unavoidable aspects of living.

The first step is to be conscious of my thoughts about each. Sometimes endings can be difficult and, or sad. This is when I remind myself, if I am sad, it means I was blessed with much joy from what ever is ending. After processing the sadness, it is easier to look forward and see what is waiting for me. What is the "new" that is coming into my life? What are the wonderful surprises that are awaiting me?

Having this perspective has helped me in my old behavior of leaving claw marks in what I did not want to let go of. Letting go is a skill. One that I am always working on. This summer, Gabe and I had a lot of time by the water. There is no holding on in the ocean. The ocean waves, tides, sand all moving in and out, are all fabulous examples of the beauty and peace that are found in "allowing the flow", and in "letting go" in order to begin again!

Beginning again can still be a scary process for me, so I turn to inspirational music. One of my favorite composers of beautiful music is, none other than the famous, David Friedman. Please take a listen. This song is titled "Trust the Wind". Click here.

Offerings for Awareness & Transformation

A New Monthly Event!

Lunar image

New Moon: September 14, 2023
Full Moon: September 29, 2023
Fall Equinox: September 23, 2023

The Full moon is the perfect time to look at what is no longer serving you, and/ or what you need to release. The New Moon is a time to begin something new. I realize the title of this month's news letter is, "We Begin Again" but in the first celebration will be about letting things go. I have found it helpful to release and clear out before I start something new, that is why we will have the full moon celebration on the 26th and then a new moon celebration on October 10th. As you can see, the celebration is a few nights before the actual full moon. This allows us to be prepared on the 29th, which is the full moon. Join me in this ritual of creating the life you really desire. It will be uninterrupted time to think about what you want to create and/or let go of in your life. A time to be consciously participating in the manifestation of your heart's desire.

To register, Click here.

Once you register, you will be sent a link for the session. I look forward to seeing you!

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Lunch and Learns

Chair Massage

And More!

Our "Lunch and Learns" are geared to help employees feel empowered in their lives. My newest "Lunch and Learn" topic is titled after my book, "From Stressed to Blessed". I am available for in-person and virtual/Zoom sessions.
You can get my book by clicking here.

Other Corporate "Lunch and Learn" topics include: The Wellness Wheel; The 12 Faculties of Empowerment; Mindfulness and Meditation; The Four Agreements and many more.

Chair Massage

Now that employees are back in the office, we offer a great stress reliever, Chair Massage. This 10 or 15 minute "break" rejuvenates and revitalizes your staff to do and be the best they can be.

For more information on Corporate Offerings, Click here

If you have had a chair massage, I would really appreciate your review on my Google business page. To leave one, please click here


It's Official!

I am an ordained Interfaith/Interspiritual Minister! I create beautiful, personal ceremonies for weddings, baby blessings, memorial services and other rites of passage.

This month I have created and am officiating a baby blessing and a retirement blessing!

Please call or click here if you have any ceremony/ritual needs and...


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Sunday Talks

This month I will be giving the talk live at Unity Center of Norwalk on Sunday, September 24 at 10:30. To watch on Facebook, Click here to join me.

Sunday, September 24, @10:30am - my talk is titled:

Spiritual Discernment

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