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Inspired and empowered youth who have become responsible stewards for the environment

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The Super Troopers

14. Anya BOSC
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Today there is a rising tide – energetic youth with the fortitude - taking it upon themselves to have a purpose and to make their lives meaningful by taking responsibility to transform communities, to protect the environment, conserve wildlife, to care for others who are less fortunate, and to do their duty by the world they will inherit.

It is in the mandate of the Sri Lanka Wildlife Conservation Society to inculcate youth to be good stewards for the environment. The Society considers it as one of the most important responsibilities of the Society. The SLWCS is steadfastly committed to its role of inspiring, encouraging and empowering youth from around the world to become the eco-stewards and humanitarians of tomorrow through environmental awareness and hands on experiential learning and field work.

It gives the Society great pride and satisfaction to recognize three outstanding environmental and community development projects by youth. It was an honor and a privilege to the SLWCS to host these three youth groups at our project site in Wasgamuwa, Sri Lanka. The Society provided the programs for these youth to learn about biodiversity, nature conservation and participate in community development. These three youth groups should be an inspiration to their peers and contemporaries.

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On December 16th 2018 a contingent of 20 students from the Red Cross Society of Royal College (RCSRC) of Colombo arrived with 2000 grafted orange plants to distribute to villagers participating in Project Orange Elephant. Earlier in the year the student officers of the RCSRC committed to support Project Orange Elephant to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Red Cross Society of Royal College. Along with the distribution of plants provided by RCSRC another one thousand grafted orange plants donated by one of the Society’s biggest corporate sponsors, Colombo Jewellery Stores was also distributed to the villagers of Pussellayaya.

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Happy with their orange trees

From December 10th to 18th 2018 fifty nine high school students arrived from England representing 10 countries: Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, England, Germany, India, Kenya, South Africa, & the USA. The children worked on two community projects in the village of Pussellayaya in Wasgamuwa. One group helped farmers to plant 300 orange plants and the second group provided the funds and their labor to construct a 20 feet x 40 feet classroom and Computer Center for the local village school. The new classroom was for the fourth grade students whose classes were regularly held underneath a mango tree in the school compound when the weather permitted it.

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Fifty nine high school kids heading out to make a difference

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Creating a play ground for the school

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Playing cricket...

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...and Volley Ball in the new playground

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Sorting orange plants for planting

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Chandima explaining how the holes for the orange plants should be dug

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Working on the foundation of the new classroom

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Building walls and plastering

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Setting the door and windows of the new Computer Center

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The new Classroom shaping up!

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Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - the official opening of the brand new classroom

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The village kids waiting expectantly to enter their brand new classroom

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Not only a new classroom - all the village kids also received gifts!

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These kids can be justly proud of their achievements!

02. New Classroom

The completed classroom

03. New Classroom
06. New Classroom
10. Computer room

The computer room waiting for computers

08. Computer room

On December 11th 2018 three students from the British Overseas School of Colombo with the support of their parents, teachers and students held a bake sale to raise money for the aquatic research and conservation efforts of the SLWCS. The money is to help the Society to purchase a research vessel/boat for its ongoing aquatic research and conservation work. The kids through their efforts managed to raise more than fifty percent of the cost of the boat. It is a truly remarkable achievement considering all three students are only thirteen years old.


In the back L to R: Kavith, Sashen, KAVITHA, Kavan, VETHIYA and ANYA

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The future of our environment seems to be in good hands...

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These are truly exemplary and inspirational efforts considering these were projects that were planned and executed by children whose ages ranged from 13 to 17 years. The efforts of these children, especially their passion and commitment and most importantly the fact that they care gives a new sense of hope for the future of our beleaguered earth.

Card 02

Photo Credits:

Chinthaka Weerasinghe/SLWCS
Chandima Fernando/SLWCS
Indika Sampath/SLWCS
Amila De Saram

Big, rumbling thanks to our Corporate Partners for their kind support and to everyone who has donated and supported our wildlife conservation efforts!

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