Happy February from Vina's Tiny House Hello ! During this month of "love", I have wondered what this means to me. I'm not one for fleeting acts of r

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Happy February from Vina's Tiny House


View of office desk from Vina's Tiny House. Photo: Keri Oberly

Hello !

During this month of "love", I have wondered what this means to me. I'm not one for fleeting acts of romance, although I do admit it's sometimes fun! Throughout the years, I have come to realize that "real" love comes from within, before it can be given wholeheartedly to others.

My wish for you is to pursue your love, your passion, your dreams. With the tiny house movement, I have seen many people realize their own dreams. This is the gift that tiny houses can afford. FREEDOM.

During the past year, I have given many tours of my teeny tiny house and have changed people's perception of space. I have helped others visualize what it means to live a simple life... It's not as hard as you may think.

More recently, I have designed custom tiny houses so others can find the freedom from the corporate rat race. Anna & Kevin will be leaving their stable job to start a new life and pursue their own dreams. Laura, a ski lover from California and Colorado, will be building her tiny home soon so she can travel wherever her skis take her! Stuart Dakin from Australia have purchased my tiny house plans and has made great progress on his build.

Also from Australia, Christine & Nick contacted me to modify my Tiny House design for a shipping container (neat!). Soon they will be living in a custom designed container home on the other side of the hemisphere.

Nothing is more inspiring than creating a positive impact in other people's lives. How grateful I am to enable others to pursue their own dreams. And even more grateful to be able to do what I love, and love what I do. Making a difference in the lives of others, while creating a sustainable planet, is what gives meaning to my life.

Thank you to all who have been a part of my journey. It's an honor to be part of this movement and to serve the tiny house community.

With love + gratitude,

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Vina Lustado, Founder Sol Haus Design


PS. Interested in current updates? Follow our Facebook page. I love to hear your comments and feedback!


Take the Tiny House Survey!

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Ever wonder who makes up the tiny house community? Ryan Mitchell of The Tiny Life have compiled a survey to better understand who is part of the tiny house movement. We want to hear from you so make your voices count!


The data collected in this survey is done anonymously. Please SHARE far and wide!

More Media Buzz from HOUZZ


The spacious deck is the signature feature of Vina's Tiny House

What a lovely surprise to find my teeny tiny is Number 2 on HOUZZ! I'm honored and humbled to be included in this list of the most popular homes on Houzz.


More to come from HOUZZ: A special video will be produced with the story behind my Tiny House. We will be shooting at teeny tiny this month, so stay tuned!

A Sweet 'Lil Story From a Grapefruit Tree

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The grapefruit tree is fed with greywater

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Grapefruits in full bloom

Some of you may have heard the story about the citrus tree in front of my Tiny House. Before I moved to the property, this tree was dormant and lifeless. One year later, after feeding it with recycled water, the tree has slowly come back to life. Blossoming in spring with hummingbirds and bees and fragrant smells. Now it's in full glory with yummy grapefruit!

I've grown so fond of this tree for showing me the beauty of nature and its precious gifts, especially when we give back.


Vina Lustado is the founder/owner of Sol Haus Design, a design firm based in Ojai, California. After a professional degree in architecture and more than 20 years experience with high-end corporate clients, Vina has decided to focus her career on smaller-scale projects that could make a positive difference.

Staying true to her core values, Vina has completed the design and construction of her Tiny House. Equipped with simple luxuries as a loft skylight and cozy fireplace, Vina has manifested her dream home in 140 square feet.

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