
Dear Friends

libra JPEG

Image by Dan Goodfellow

We are approaching the new moon in Libra, which occurs in the early hours of tomorrow morning (4.45am Tues 9th Oct UK time). The Sun and Moon are conjunct at 15 degrees. How apt for the sign of balance that it should be poised at the mid-degree of the sign. The new moon is conjunct Ceres and square to Pluto, and with Libra's ruling planet, Venus retrograde in Scorpio, the balance we seek must amount to more than a superficial equilibrium.

Here we must sow the seed of true beauty and forge a genuine peace. For all that we want to be in accord with others, we must remain mindful of the Libran shadow. Libra is the wedding of opposites, and it requires us to hold the tension of opposing forces within, and not collapse into resolution too hastily for fear of conflict.

Our peace offerings and agreements will not hold up - indeed they will be mistrusted - unless they can sustain the uncomfortable tension, unless they can include those very forces that have been excluded for the sake of diplomacy. They will be mere appeasements, unless they can recognise and honour that which we have banished for its unreasonableness, its wildness, its lack of refinement.

Beauty are harmony are essential ideals for which we must strive and we obviously want to achieve that in an agreeable way, we want to be at peace with each other. But if we don't address those difficult issues that we've repressed because we thought they were too ugly to include, then we pay the consequence later on. So let this new moon inspire in us a deep meditation on peace. If beauty is truth, then it must include every aspect of life, not just the pretty bits! Blessings of the new moon to everyone!

libra new moon ceres

There is one place left on my advanced astrology course, which begins on 27th October.

Seven-Month Advanced Astrology Course in Glastonbury

Prague Astronomical Clock CROP1

This applied astrology course is the second year of the two-year course that I run in Glastonbury. We will look in depth at the questions that clients typically come with to a consultation, questions about vocation, relationships, money, health, family issues and spiritual calling. It is a practical training specifically designed for those looking to practice professionally as astrologers. Participants who have not attended the first year course with me will need to have a basic understanding of how to read a birth chart in order to enrol. It runs from 27th Oct 2018 - 30th June 2019. These are the course dates.

Workshop 1: 27th / 28th Oct 2018: The Astrology of Vocation, Path & Calling
Workshop 2: 8th / 9th Dec 2018: The Astrology of Relationships
Workshop 3: 19th / 20th Jan 2019: Money & Resources
Workshop 4: 16th / 17th Feb 2019: The Astrology of Family Dynamics
Workshop 5: 13th / 14th April 2019: The Astrology of Health & Well Being
Workshop 6: 18th / 19th May 2019: Karmic Astrology
Workshop 7: 29th / 30th June 2019: The Art of Astrological Counselling

Click here for further information...

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