
Legwarmers are back BABY! Well if they aren’t already, they’re certainly due for a come back. As a girl who grew up in the 80’s I’m partial to a little legwarmer action. Not only do they look HOT, but they keep your legs cosy too. Just what I need to get me through the chilly Melbourne winter.


Melissa made a nifty folding paper dollhouse. It is a dollhouse that can fold down, pack flat in a bag or little case. The perfect little home for those teeny tiny toy things that kids love collecting.


It's Sew a Softie month and I've created these pint sized Pocket Pals, mini softies that fit right in your pocket and travel with you wherever you go. Perfect for kids to play with when out and about, to give as a gift to a special friend, or as a comforting companion to a child that may need some extra love.


Three new craft projects on the blog this week! I'm sure you'll find something that takes your fancy.

I've fallen behind in my blogging schedule since returning from our holidays in New Zealand. Unfortunately I came down with a bad flu that had me in bed for the best part of a week. Not even my special ginger tea helped. On the mend now but very behind in my to do list.

I had plans to share lots of our NZ adventures but sadly that will have to wait till I return from CHINA!

Emma and I are flying out Friday afternoon to Lijiang, as part of a campaign with Hyatt hotels. It's so fancy and exciting, and one of the best parts is we are flying Business Class! I did a happy dance when we found out.

I'll be Instagraming everyday and sharing updates on Facebook so make sure you pop over to see what we're up to.

As soon as we get back the bathroom demolition starts, so for us it will be fancy hotels one day and porta-potties the next. Lol.

I'm not sure what the internet will be like in China, so there may not be a newsletter next week. See you when I get back!

Have a great week
xx Cinti

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