April 1, 2020


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The New Mexico Book Co-op is here for authors, publishers and booksellers to share ideas, and some humor; if you have any ideas that you might share on how to keep our beloved books on the minds of readers and stores, send them to LPDPress@q.com and if appropriate they'll be shared with our wider 1,500+ member book family.


This is no joke! With all the crazy stuff going on the editor of this newsletter has decided that for this April Fools Day we would not pull any pranks. Just the real stuff and maybe a little straight-forward humor mixed in, which you will easily recognize.

Are Books a Priority Yet, Amazon?
Amazon has expanded its list of priority items and extended its prioritization of sales of those items, although it has not announced which new items now qualify for the distinction. Printers and distributors are both taking hits from the new coronavirus outbreak, with Quad closing its book printing operations last week and Diamond Comic Distributors halting payments to vendors this week. In the good news department, PW has named its Bookstore and Rep of the Year. And HarperCollins has purchased some of Egmont's European book groups. Plus there's plenty more news below. Elsewhere, Refinery 29 interviews a handful of America's gig workers on why they're going on strike right now. The Atlantic highlights how public libraries are responding to Covid-19. And an op-ed in the Los Angeles Times asks how marijuana can be declared essential in California during the coronavirus shutdown while bookstores are still not.


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We have been getting a lot of feedback and many comments on our HELP CENTER, including from Jay Cutts, and Robert Torrez.

Thanks to all of you!


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Jay Cutts sent an article called "Travel Adventures in the Times of Coronavirus" that he submitted to a travel magazine editor that is fun to read. — HERE


KEEP SAFE & HEALTHY—Wash Your Hand and Don't Hoard TP
Paul Rhetts

NM Book Co-op's main mission is to foster community and support for authors and publishers and books.

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