LJ2 Inc Newsletter heading 2

Hello, Friends!


LJ2, Inc. Newsletter

July 2021

Welcome! LJ2, Inc. continues to use our newsletter to keep you updated on current classes, events, and research based family topics that help strengthen, empower, and unify families. And strengthen career minded individuals. Pease share our newsletter.

Can you believe it's July? Half the year is gone! Think about your accomplishments so far. Start with your family's to-do list then review your own. It is easy to get off track and it only takes a few minutes to check it. You will be glad you did!

Love your family today and everyday!


Annual Event

Building Relationships 21 newsletter

LJ2, Inc. 4th Annual Event

This year we celebrate our 4th annual event Building Relationships in our Communities with Families in August. While we help improve the quality of life for families in our community by presenting educational, fun, and engaging workshops and events, this virtual event is specifically designed to bring community business/organization leaders and families together through education that leaves lasting impressions and friendships. Click here to register for this free 1 1/2 hour online event.

This year we focus on 3 separate sessions in addition to separate topics from the perspective of the community by teaming up with organization and business leaders.

August 7, 2021
Safety First
Guest Speaker: Todd Daniels, Safety Professional
Learn safety methods that enhance family relationships

August 21, 2021
Encouraging Deterrence
Guest Speaker: Reginald Jones, Retired State Trooper
Learn ways to improve family relationships for juvenile offenders

August 28, 2021
Family Relationships
Guest Speaker: Cassandra Berry, Denton County Friends of the Family, Community Educator
Learn practices to enrich family relationships in abusive families

Don't miss it. Register now!!

Anger Management Program


Build Stronger Relationships - Manage Your Anger

LJ2, Inc offers an Anger Management Program for Adults/Adolescents virtual class. We are Certified Anger Management Professionals with Century Anger Management (CAM). This designation acknowledges content and instructor training to teach/present modules of anger management, using workbooks and Century Anger Management's model of anger management. For more information on joining the class, call (940) 539-9176 for details.


Did You Know?

"The way we communicate with others and with ourselves ultimately determines the quality of our lives." ~ Tony Robbins

When you think about effective communication, it actually begins with mutual respect. Respect for the speaker and respect for the listener. Effective communication also inspires and encourages others to do their best. Keep your self-talk positive to help improve the qualiy of your life and others.


Volunteers Needed

Looking for interested persons to pilot test an upcoming course. You will ensure links work properly, review instructions, and give suggestions for improvement. Use the link below to volunteer. Sign-up closes on August 1, 2021.

Contact Us to Volunteer

Kind regards,
Your Team at LJ2, Inc.


LJ2, Inc. helps to amend unhealthy relationships within the family through, seminars, workshops, classes, and more. We also enhance professional development skills for career-minded individuals. Note: Classes, events, seminars, presentations, and workshops are for educational purposes. Please email comments or suggestions to lena@lj2inc.com. If you no longer wish to receive this Newsletter reply STOP to this email.

Strengthening You Through Family Education & Professional Development

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