2016 03 29 Banner CHN

Collecting Alabaster Offering Two Wednesdays

September 16 and September 23

10AM to 6:30PM

The large Alabaster Box will be out under the church portico to collect Alabaster offering. You're welcome to stay for one of our face-to-face gatherings, (10AM, Noon, 2PM, 6PM) or just stop long enough to empty your Alabaster offering on your way to the next appointment!

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Next two Wednesdays!

Elizabeth Roby Vennum-Missions

Rev. Vennum

Following World War II, the need for buildings and land was critical in the world mission areas of the world. Rev. Elizabeth Vennum submitted a plan to generate giving for this need. It was modeled after the sacrifice of the woman who anointed Jesus' head with expensive perfume poured from an alabaster jar (Matthew 26:6-13).

Pennies and nickels add up!

Now 60+ years later, more than 100 million dollars have funded nearly 9,000 projects! Alabaster Offering helps the Church of the Nazarene put down roots around the world.


Outdoor Church Work-Day October 3


We're pitching in together to get a lot accomplished!

Saturday, October 3, 8AM to Noon

Power-washing the building, weeding around the yard, painting trim...

Bring your gloves and we'll bring donuts! Cold water and hot coffee will be ready!

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