
For MLK Day: Remembering My Time With SNCC in the Southern Civil Rights Movement

Si Kahn's Newsletter for January 12, 2023


I spent the summer of 1965 as a volunteer with the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, more popularly known by its initials SNCC (pronounced “SNICK”) in Forrest City, Arkansas. Those four months were, and remain, the turning point in my life. It was there, in the heat and threat of a Southern summer, in a town founded by and named after Nathan Bedford Forrest -- slave trader, Confederate general, first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan -- that I learned who I wanted and perhaps needed to become. Fifty-eight years later, that’s who I am, still who I try every day to be: An organizer for justice.

Twenty-four years after that summer, I walked onto a plane headed for Washington DC. A flight attendant handed me a morning newspaper. I sat down, buckled up, looked down, and stared at a headline about the 25 year anniversary of the murder of Schwerner, Goodman, and Chaney, three SNCC civil rights workers, an African American and two Jews, murdered in Mississippi by the Ku Klux Klan, buried under an earthen dam.

I cried through the whole flight. But by the time we landed, I had written this song:

No matter where I am, no matter what I do, in some sense for me it is always 1965, it is always Forrest City, it is always SNCC. This is who I am, this is who I hope always to be.


A Kenyan, A Brit, and Two Americans Walk into a Recording Studio

This newsletter starts with a link to a beautiful video of the song “Dina Kiroto (I Have A Dream),” recorded in a Nairobi studio by the Kenyan artist Ness:


Click to enjoy Daria's song

The author of the song, though, isn’t Ness, who translated the original English chorus into Kikuyu, the language of his village. It’s by my friend and co-writer Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannnou, who creates “World Music for Children.” Here’s her original version: "I Have a Dream - A Song For MLK Day!"

Some time during the 1920’s, Daria’s Ukrainian grandfather Ephraim Marmaluk immigrated to Pennsylvania, the state where I spent the first 15 years of my life, to work in 30-inch coal seams:

Ridin' on a lizard in the thirty-inch coal;

See the cable sparklin', watch the little wheels roll.

Now, Lord, have mercy on a miner's soul,

Down on your poor knees in the thirty-inch coal.

--Mike Paxton/Hobo Jack Adkins

In those days, it was dangerous to be in a union. But Daria’s grandmother Mary Marmaluk was a proud member of the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union (ILGWU). She worked at one of the dress factories on Calico Lane in Jermyn, Pennsylvania, known as the birthplace of first aid, established in response to mining accidents because a hospital was just too far away.

Her grandfather, who never learned English, was a proud member of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA). He was the first person in the state to be awarded Federal black lung benefits, but he died before the first check arrived.


See Pheobe Rees' perform "Mississippi Summer"

“Afghanistan,” a song Daria and I wrote together, will have its world premier on People Like You, UK artist Phoebe Rees’ first full length album, due out later this year.

Here from this newsletter’s archives is Phoebe on the People’s Music Network’s TransAtlantic Song Swap performing my song “Mississippi Summer,” a look back at my time with SNCC during the Southern Civil Rights Movement.

Sometimes what goes around really does come around.

Dr. King often spoke of what he called “the beloved community.” These three wonderful artists — Ness, Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannou and Phoebe Rees, not one of whom I’ve ever met in person, are part of my beloved community.

May the work that we all do, individually and collectively, be in the spirit of SNCC, of the Southern Civil Rights Movement, and of Dr. King.

Here’s how you can find out more about these three artists:


Phoebe Rees:

Daria Marmaluk-Hajioannnou:


The first three chapters of Si’s book Creative Community Organizing; A Guide for Rabble-Rousers, Activists, and Quiet Lovers of Justice offer a fuller picture of Si’s time with SNCC in Forrest City, Arkansas. You can buy it by going to

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