www.creativecockades.com Clergy & Cockades Should churches be political? Should preachers be partisan? If you think those are modern questions, thin

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1836 J. C. Bridgewood  American artist  1800s  Saint John s Church

Clergy & Cockades

Should churches be political? Should preachers be partisan? If you think those are modern questions, think again! There were raging debates even in the 1860s about them!

A quick look at the newspapers of the times reveal both serious and hilarious sentiments on the subject. But the sentiments seem to boil down to this: If the preacher wore a cockade for YOUR party, he was a good patriot. If he wore a cockade for the OTHER party, then he was a disgrace to the profession of clergyman!

Alice Barber Stephens  American artist  18581932  Church Scene with Worshippers Amused by Off Key Singer.  2

"Contaminating" Cockades!

For instance, a Pennsylvania editor who was evidently of a Democratic persuasion viewed churchly Republican patriotism with great disgust.

"According to the statements that come to us from New York, Philadelphia, and other places at the North, we learn that the flag of the United States, the Stars and the Stripes, has become the sign or mark by which loyalty to the Lincoln Government is known. Its mob goes about compelling all, to show their colors or, in other words, to display the United States flag.

So it floats in the breeze, from church steeples and church windows; from public buildings and private dwellings; from omnibuses and railway cars from private carriages and drays; from the ladies' bonnets and gentlemen's coats in the shape of cockades and rosettes of tricolored ribbon; nay, more, it is used to adorn the pulpits of their churches. Unless this conspicuous sign is displayed, neither property nor persons are safe. - Even the worship of the great Jehovah is contaminated with this worship of the flag; so that frequently the services of the sanctuary are concluded with the "Star Spangled Banner."

"Surely piety must be at a low ebb when neither editors of religious papers nor the ambassadors of Christ Jesus utter a rebuke to this worship of the Stars and Stripes. Perhaps the mob rules, and hence, under the reign of infidel Black Republicanism and terror, Christian liberty as well as civil liberty is suppressed."

Clearly, he considered such dastardly patriotism unseemly! Off with those Republican cockades in church!

Henry Bacon  American-born artist  1839-1912  Pay Attention

Cheer the Cockades!

However, an 1861 New York paper nodded approvingly over the following patriotic display in the pulpit:

Newburyport, Mass.—Nearly all the clergymen preached and prayed on the war; and several of the choirs sang patriotic songs. In two of the churches, where the people are accustomed to sit during the singing, they were all brought to their feet. In one of the churches named, the “Star Spangled Banner” was given with much effect.

Boston.—On Sunday evening, the Rev. Mr. Cudworth preached a farewell sermon in the Unitarian Church. The interior of the church was decorated with American ensigns festooned around the pulpit and the gallery; and thirty-four maidens robed in white, set off with union cockades, to represent the states, were marshalled around the altar. Mr. Cudworth’s discourse was patriotic – enthusiastically so; and notwithstanding the day and the place, the congregation cheered him to the echo.

Patriotism is next to godliness, right? But hold on, folks, it all depends on your politics....


Render Cockades Unto Caesar

It is entertaining to see the sanctimonious superiority with which a Pennsylvania newspaper views Southern cockades in church.

In this connection we must also be permitted to express our profound sorrow, reputable clergymen of the church in the Gulf States, who have hitherto confined themselves to the proclamation of the Gospel of Peace, and been eminently useful both to their denominations and to society in consequence, are now buckling on the armor of the church militant, wearing cockades in the pulpit instead of the Cross, and consecrating liberty poles and other emblems of revolution with prayers to that God who has said: "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's"....Let the cause of South Carolina be ever so just, the place of her clergymen is in the pulpit, proclaiming the Gospel.

Perhaps only Republican cockades were next to godliness?

Porkers or Preachers?

This Pennsylvania paper apparently didn't have much use for blue cockades, regardless of whether they were worn by pastors or porcines.

A preacher went through the Sunday exercises at his church, in South Carolina, the other day, with a blue cockade on his shoulder; and a big porker walked through the streets of Nashville, about the same time, with one upon the end of his tail. The latter badge was in the more appropriate place. - Louisville Journal.

Civil War chaplain

Clergy On The Field

Humor aside, it's worth noting the deep and meaningful contribution that many pastors made during the Civil War. Hundreds of clergy volunteered in the armies, right alongside their parishioners. Reenactor Chaplain Farley writes:

During the War Between the States, military chaplains were held in high regard and there was an increased emphasis on professionalism....150,000 Confederate soldiers rededicated or were saved during the great revival that swept through that army; Over eighty percent of seminary students in the South after the war found were saved while in the Confederate Army; Thirteen former Confederate chaplains were consecrated as bishops by 1892; and Twelve former Confederate chaplains became presidents of major colleges.

We don't know how much influence cockades in the pulpit had - But we do know how much influence pastors in the field had!

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~Heather Sheen
Owner, Creative Cockades

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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