Thanks, Angela Lewis (Snowfall, series regular) for sharing your Journey of Finding your Emotional Type and Finally Booking a Series Regular after Yea

Thanks, Angela Lewis (Snowfall, series regular) for sharing your Journey of Finding your Emotional Type and Finally Booking a Series Regular after Years of Doing Only Theatre

Hola :

First off, the valuable info in this email is really on the you can [CLICK] ( ) through now and download the will be available for the next 24 hours only!

Go to the page, scroll down to the bottom and download the handbook.

Then let's have a conversation about what's working for you and where you have questions. Please respond to this email with your questions.

I'll answer....

Thank you for taking on the challenge

Angela, Garland, Soyini, Julia, Kim, Samantha, congratulations for joining us on this journey!

Your participation has been invaluable in helping me shape this class....

Angela has already started working on her next set of chords in preparation for the 4 Week class

What's Your Emotional Type & How Can It Double Your Auditions every Wed in April from 6pm-7:30pm via Zoom

Check out how she did it in the screenshots of her emails in this newsletter.

She's figuring out how to brand her emotional types to add to her website and presskit to send to out to industry folks to get more auditions like the one for Snowfall, the new John Singleton show on FX where Angela is now a series regular.

She's playing completely outside of her physical type for this role and totally within her emotional chords...

So, the strategy works...

And here's why

That would be you, !

Angela is using the steps in
"What's Your Emotional Type & How Can It Double Your Auditions?" Playbook distributed during last week's FREE class.

It's an amazing step by step process for figuring out your emotional type, how to package it and sell it to get you an agent or get your current agent sending you out twice as much...

You're in luck because theplaybook is on the sales page until for the next 24 hours ONLY

This playbook solves ALL of the Top Ten Actor Problems

1. Getting a KickAss Agent Who Sends Me on Tons of Auditions
2. Booking a speaking role with depth & range
3. Getting Your Face in front of the camera for TV/Film Auditions
4. Getting an Agent/Representation
5. Booking a Series Regular, Recurring, Guest Star, Co-Star on a Pilot
5. Learning How to Audition for Different Genres
6. More Confidence Auditioning
7. How to Get TV/Film Auditions when all you have is theatre credits
8 . Get Bigger, More Lucrative Auditions
9. Improving Your Audition Skills
10. People in Power Don't Know Who You Are

Love, Light & Power,

April & TheBadAssActor Team

P.S. The 4 Week class: What's Your Emotional Types & How Can It Double Your Auditions class is on sale for 5 more days...unless we fill the last 5 seats before then and we've got some kick ass bonuses:

- FREE private coaching comes with the class
- and there's now a 4 installment plan where you can sign up for $108 today...
- weekly mastermind calls
- April full 20 page handbook on how to figure out your emotional type, package it and scripts to sell it to your agent or get an agent to sign you using this strategy....

- Members Only Emotional Type Page with notes, search tips, scenes, etc

- 90 min video recording of April walking you through the process

- 3 hour recorded class of April talking you through the exercises step by step, how to build your web page, press kit, reel, headshot prep, color branding, etc

- DELAYED Payment Plan for Current Clients with Accounts in Good Standing


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