Help those who can’t even afford Lechem Oni! As Pesach approaches, families across Eretz Yisroel are facing incredible financial hardships due to the

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Help those who can’t even afford Lechem Oni!


As Pesach approaches, families across Eretz Yisroel are facing incredible financial hardships due to the ongoing conflict. With many finding themselves unemployed and displaced from their homes, a proper Pesach and seder feels almost entirely out of reach.

But you can help change that.

Kupath Rabbi Meir is tirelessly working to bring the simcha of Pesach to those who need it most. By contributing, you will directly support families in need, providing them with food and a place to stay for their seder.

Don’t miss this chance to fulfill Maos Chitim to the highest degree and make a real impact this Pesach.

Make a difference today!
Please click here and make a generous donation!


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