
Nurturing your roots

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When I think of roots, I think of our visits to Ankor Wat in Cambodia some years back. I was so impressed not only by the spiritual and historical importance of the place but also by the way the roots of the old trees are taking over the ancient temples. Nature is taking over again, this surely adds to the magnificence of Ankor Wat.

Expats know how to put down roots in another country. Indeed, people who lived in different locations during their life have experienced how to acquire the skills to do that. They know that you can carry your roots with you, and decide where you will continue to grow, to blossom or to harvest. And they know how to start this process all over again, maybe in the same place even, maybe not ...

Winter is a time we need to attend to our roots so we can blossom in spring


Jorge Mayet

"And don't think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It's quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.”- Rumi

In order to blossom in spring time and bloom during the summer, you need to attend to your roots, even in winter time. Consider a flower for a moment. As beautiful as flowers are to look at, we don't see what goes on underground - as they grow roots. Flowers must develop deep roots in order to grow strong and produce their beauty. We just see and enjoy the beauty of the flower. In much the same way it is with people. What goes on inside of us, is like the roots of plants: it is wild and seemingly uncontrolled... like 4 seasons in one day!

We belong to a world—and a self—that is ever in a state of becoming, pulling you out of a security zone and leading you to larger and larger engagements with the world. Like plants, humans need water and nutrients to blossom.

What are the nutrients you need to grow and blossom this spring?

I look back with appreciation to the people I went on my journey and I am grateful to who has touched me deeply. Warmth is the vital element for the growing of plants and so it is for the blooming of souls.

Warm regards,


All BLOOM cocreation activities take place in a homey environment where you can feel safe to explore and reflect on issues that are important to you. Professional coaches make sure respect and kindness towards yourself and the other participants are garanteed.

All workshops are given in Dutch and English.

Feel free to contact me for any further information on our activities. I am always very happy to provide you with additional information.

Or join us on our introduction evening.

BLOOM Lab & Hack

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Introduction Evening!

Come and join on this free introduction evening and find out about upcoming Labs and Hacks organised by bloom-cocreation.

When: 17/03/2018
Price: FREE

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Introduction to first aid self-coaching tools! Get things moving in the direction you want to go! Step out the drama triangle into a creator triangle!
▪ different growth models
▪ needs assesment
▪ from fix to a growth mindset
2 x saturday evenings
When: 5/05 & 12/05 from 19u until 23u.
Price: 100 euro




E-learning: Enneagram online

This e-course consists of a total of 25 lessons delivered to your inbox over a period of 5 week.


Price: 60 euro


BLOOM Track: Nature, Silence & Solitude in Portugal


APRIL 2018: NATURE TRAILS: The nature and the attration of silence & solitude

Combining solitude with a walk in nature will help to recentere, find your energy and lust for life.

3 day walking, journaling under the guidance of a professional coach in the beautiful Serra da Estrela, Portugal, triggering positive change.

Waar: Vila Nova de Oliveirinha, Portugal
When: Fri. 27/04, Sat. 28/04 & Sun. 29/04

Price: 350 euro (includes accomandation , and 3 day guidance)


Kind regards,
Bart & Sarah at Bloom-cocreation

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