Hello , Can you believe we are 1/2 way through 2016? Funny how time flies when you are having fun. Creating with you continues to be one of my greate

Tiare Smith Designs Logo Banner
Me Hat

Hello ,

Can you believe we are 1/2 way through 2016? Funny how time flies when you are having fun. Creating with you continues to be one of my greatest joys. I am having such an AWESOME time.

I am really excited to share the latest news with you and some wonderful artsy happenings.

Read below for some cool news, a super (FREE) tutorial and great opportunities for you to make art and share creative time with me.

Just click any image to learn more!

Did you know?

Woohoo! I made the Faber Castell Design Team. I've been wanting this since 2014. Keep moving towards your goals and your dreams, they do come true! Stay tuned for great tutorials and amazing art!


What fun! I was a guest artist for Irreversibly Moi. Click on the image to get the tutorial to make this lovely page. Be love. Be light!

Love and Light Page

On-site crop and classes

We are having so much fun making art, memories and laughs together. Won't you join us in Kennesaw, GA and Woodstock, GA. Sign up today and join me in person!

July 9 Art Journaling Button
July 23 Angel Class Button
crop of the year button

Self-Study Online Workshops

Learn and make beautiful art at your own pace, on your own schedule. Register online today!

No Date One BADASS Button
All About That Face 2016 Collage
splatter button
Angel of Encouragement Button
Angel of Abundance Button
Angel Button Small

Buy art

Pillows. Prints. Postcards.

Sorority Pillows Collage
Angel Collage
Postcards Collage

WAIT! Before you hit the unsubscribe button please keep in mind the you will also be unsubscribed from workshops you may have purchased and will not receive any updates or emails regarding your classes.

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