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A full calendar of events can be found in the Compass App

21-25 August - Book Week
24th August - Book Week Dress Up Day
7th September - The Lion King school musical - Glen Eria Auditorium
13th - 15th September - Snow Camp (selected children only)
11th-13th October - 3/4 Camp
11th-13th October - 5/6 Camp
6th November - Pupil Free Day

In this edition...

Keep the MVPS community healthy!

We have many nasty viruses going around and many students and staff have been unwell. There is a critical shortage of emergency teachers, so this is a great incentive for families to be mindful and please DO NOT send your child to school if they are unwell!
Please follow the Department of Health information table here.
Please keep our community safe!


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents and caregivers think of our school. The Parent Opinion Survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education that is designed to assist schools in gaining an understanding of families’ perceptions of school climate, student behaviour, and student engagement. The survey is optional but we encourage all families to participate. Our school will use the survey results to help inform and direct future school planning and improvement strategies. All families are invited to participate in the survey.

Please keep an eye on Compass, as the survey link and school pin will be sent for you to complete the survey.

Congratulations AJ Bakery!

Our students have had their say, and by a landslide AJ Bakery is the winner! AJ Bakery will be providing the canteen service for our students each Friday. Remember to pack your child/ren their snack for the day. In a few weeks’ time we will see if there is a need for our community to add in another day, possibly Thursday, for our families to access 2 days of canteen.

Prep 2024 Enrolments

Please make sure that you hand in your Prep 2024 enrolment forms ASAP and if you know anyone from our wider community who are coming in 2024, please encourage them to hand their enrolment form in because spots are filling up fast!

Amy Tinetti
Acting Principal


Compass Tips and Tricks!

Thank you to all our families who have been using the attendance function of Compass more regularly. There has been an increase in families letting the school know when their child will be absent or late. We appreciate your support with this.

This week we are focusing on how to email your child’s teacher. We recommend you do this using the browser view. Please see the screenshot for specific instructions.

Please visit the office if you have any questions. To see screenshots and step by step instructions for this, and other functions on Compass, please click on the Star in the top menu bar and choose the Online Compass Parent Guide.

Casey Gould
Acting Assistant Principal

4 Values

Prep D - Vera B
1/2C - Zoe L
1/2N - Tiffany C
3/4R - Avissyea G
5/6A - Spencer C and Zac W
5/6FP - Catalina H and Xristos K
5/6P - Ivan I and Amira F

Specialist Student of the Month
PE Junior - Denzel N
PE Senior - Brock C
Performing Arts Junior - Harlen O
Performing Arts Senior - Scarlett L
Greek Junior - Jack SR
Greek Senior - Honey W
Visual Arts Junior - Isla C

Just a reminder that the 2023 Premiers' Reading Challenge is in full swing. So far we've read over 1000 books! With plenty of time until the finishing date of September 7th, we've time for more reading. So what are you waiting for, pull out a book or two or three or maybe even twenty, and log them on your account!

If you have lost your password, Miss Pritchard can help you - just let her know and she'll reprint it for you.


Book Character Parade

Thursday 24th August, 9am

It will be first thing in the morning on Thursday 24th August, weather permitting on the Astroturf.
We will be celebrating all things that books bring to our lives by dressing up as our favourite book characters and participating in a whole school parade. This year's theme is ‘Read, Grow, Inspire’ and you could also base a costume around this theme. So, it is time to start brainstorming your costumes, rummage through your dress up boxes or see what you have at home to create your costume. Remember sometimes the best costumes are the home-made ones, it really is amazing just how versatile some material and a cardboard box can be!
We are looking forward to seeing all of the wonderful book characters come to life!

Fathers Day Breakfast

The Parents Association are proud to celebrate Fathers Day again this year with a special breakfast on Friday 1st September. We invite all MVPS children to bring their father (or other special person) along to celebrate with us. This event is significantly subsidised by the PA however we do ask for a small contribution of $5 per adult to put towards costs of food and fun activities on the morning. Tickets can be purchased here.

Pancake Parlour School Rewards

Malvern Valley PS are now part of Pancake Parlour School Rewards Program. This is a loyalty program run by Pancake Parlour where the school can earn points and prizes. These can be utilised to support educational projects and extracurricular activities.

To earn points for the school you must sign up to be a pancake parlour member by either
1. Visiting the PP website here and joining via the online form
2. Via The Pancake Parlour app
Head to your profile > Rewards > School Rewards Select Join a School

Whenever you visit the pancake parlour your purchase will count towards the Malvern Valley PS rewards points. Thank you for your support and enjoy your pancakes!

Help us build a happier, healthier Stonnington by completing our Social and Community Health survey – in partnership with Swinburne University of Technology.

We want to know whether you enjoy active recreation, public and active transport, and the social connection that Council programs and services bring.

Completing the survey (approximately 10 minutes to complete) will enter you into the draw to win one of ten one-month Harold Holt Swim Centre memberships. Entry into the prize draw is entirely optional.

Complete the survey HERE


In order to streamline the weekly school delivery run any online orders placed for delivery to school will be delivered by a Spartan driver every Tuesday.

Online orders placed by midday on a Monday will be included in the school delivery the next day. Any orders placed after this time will be delivered in the following weeks run.

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