Happy New Year, Friend -- Time sure is flying, isn't? It seems we just welcomed in 2016, and now that year is all tucked away in the midst of joy, ha


Happy New Year, Friend --

Time sure is flying, isn't? It seems we just welcomed in 2016, and now that year is all tucked away in the midst of joy, hardship, victories, failures, memories, expectations, and a whirlwind of activities with friends, neighbors, family, and even strangers.

How have you fared?

If social media is any indication, 2016 has not been a stellar year for many of you (for me either). But the one thing I am sure of is that God is good every year . . . He does not change.

For the past few years, one of the way I have worked to counter the hardships of life is to keep a written record of my blessings.

Who is willing to join me in being grateful in 2017?

Beginning today, I challenge you to record one thing daily for which you are grateful — and if you are on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram — join me in sharing them with others, too. We will use the hashtag #Grateful2017 to find and encourage each other. I can't promise that I will post daily, but it is a goal of mine to do this much more often than I have in the past. I hope you will join me!

Download your Grateful Journal for 2017

Included with the journal are Scripture cards with 12 brand new verses about gratitude. The concept is simple. Just write down one thing for which you are grateful each day. At the end of the year, you will have recorded 365 beautiful blessings, and memorized 12 grateful verses.


Click on the image to download your Grateful Journal 2017

To download your FREE 2016 Grateful Journal, simply click on this link and the PDF will automatically open. This journal is a gift to you, my subscribers. If you would like for a friend to have it, please share this link where she may also subscribe and receive it.

My hope and prayer for you in the new year is that you are clinging to the blessings, no matter what trials and temptations come your way.

To help get you started on the right foot, here are a few more articles from the blog you may find helpful:

52-Week Reading Challenge for Teens (with an Fire tablet + $25 Amazon gift card giveaway)

How to Create a Memory Jar

Top 20 Articles in 2016 in Homeschooling, Family Life. Health & Wellness, and Travel

5 New Year Resolutions Moms Will Want to Keep

Be sure to watch the blog next week when I'll be sharing My One Word for 2017 and how it ties into my goal-setting for the year!

May your 2017 be richly blessed as you seek to honor God with your gratitude.

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