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Hi there Friend!

We are so thrilled to announce that Lori is now the HSCG's Expert on Teaching DIY Classes! Read on to find out what that means for you, plus save $10 on Lori's Make Money Teaching eClass, get free info for teachers on our Teaching Resources Page, and read about the Q+A included in Lori's eClass.

Do you already teach DIY classes? We'd love to hear from you! Hit "reply" and tell us all about it.

Let's keep learning together,
Cassie and all The Nova Studio Teachers

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Lori is the HSCG Expert on Teaching

We are so excited to have been included in the HSCG's new Experts program. Lori is now listed as the Expert for Teaching DIY Classes. You can read all about how Lori got her start teaching in her home, and how her business grew and changed over the years on her new Expert Page.

The Guild is also offering the opportunity for members to ask Lori questions, which will be answered & added to the page within 48 hours. Plus, you can sign up for consultation services, and get one-on-one time with Lori to make your teaching career the best it can be!

Check out Lori's Expert Page HERE. We can't wait to see your questions!

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Save $10 on Lori's Teaching eClass

Lori presented this topic at the Handcrafted Soap & Cosmetics Guild annual conference in Las Vegas. This Video eClass is a recording of the slide show presentation that she created for the conference, recorded while teaching it live online in 2017. It represents the most up to date information we have on the subject.

Your purchase of this Video eClass on Teaching Classes comes with a printable 9-page detailed Course Outline. It’s coordinated with the presentation (so you don’t have to take copious notes while watching). Also, the Video eClass recording is available for you to watch anytime, as often as you like. You can quickly advance to the topics you want by using the TOC & time stamp data.

Save $10 on this Video eClass during the month of March only!

Go HERE to take advantage of this deal.

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Free Teaching Resources

▪ Free HSCG Podcast – Listen Here - Lori was a guest on the HSCG Podcast – and so honored to create these two wonderful teacher resources with the HSCG. Please enjoy the two episodes, in their entirety, focused on all the factors that gobble up your time (aka “How much time it really takes to teach classes”) and “What Makes a Great Teacher”. You can listen to part or all of the Podcast on our resources page.
Free HSCG Podcast – Listen Here - Lori was a guest on the HSCG Podcast – and so honored to create these two wonderful teacher resources with the HSCG. Please enjoy the two episodes, in their entirety, focused on all the factors that gobble up your time (aka “How much time it really takes to teach classes”) and “What Makes a Great Teacher”. You can listen to part or all of the Podcast on our resources page.
▪ Free Blog Posts for Teachers - Check out our tips for teachers on the blog - totally free for everyone to read and use! There will be valuable tips for new & experienced teachers alike. Looking for more? Subscribe to our future posts to know the minute a new one is published!
Free Blog Posts for Teachers - Check out our tips for teachers on the blog - totally free for everyone to read and use! There will be valuable tips for new & experienced teachers alike. Looking for more? Subscribe to our future posts to know the minute a new one is published!
▪ Free Teaching Insurance Resources - Need insurance for your small business? The answer is YES, of course! To cover yourself as a teacher, you’ll also want what’s known as Professional Liability Insurance. It’s an “add-on” to your existing Products Liability policy.
Free Teaching Insurance Resources - Need insurance for your small business? The answer is YES, of course! To cover yourself as a teacher, you’ll also want what’s known as Professional Liability Insurance. It’s an “add-on” to your existing Products Liability policy.
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Get Lori's Bonus Q+A

In 2017 Lori did a live “Online Q+A Session” with 20 fantastic student questions. We recorded the session, which was packed full of useful information for would-be teachers wanting to teach bath & body type classes. Students in attendance for this session expressed an interest in teaching soapmaking & lotion making classes, so the answers are particularly helpful for these types of classes – but refer to non-water-based types of product making classes, like bath salts or lip balm, as well.

Join us for this unique online opportunity & discover if teaching classes would be a good way for you to generate additional income while doing something you love. When you buy the Make Money Teaching Classes Video eClass, the Teaching B&B Products Recorded Q+A will be automatically show up on your My Account page after purchase. Hooray for bonus info!

View a quick video clip from this Q+A on the blog, or go straight to the eClass HERE.

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