Welcome to Capturing Life, Laughter and Love Instagram Challenge for 2015! I'm so thrilled to have you joining in on the fun of this photo challenge.

Welcome to Capturing Life, Laughter and Love Instagram Challenge for 2015!

I'm so thrilled to have you joining in on the fun of this photo challenge.

You can follow me on instagram here.

Each month, you will be getting an email from me with the month's photo challenge. Each challenge will be filled with ways to 'capturing life, laughter and love'... you know the things that make our world around us AMAZING.

Over the next year, we are going to be really getting to know each other through our captured photos and I can't wait for the experience.

You can't forget to use #capturinglifelaughterlove to all of your photo challenges, so we can follow along in what will prove to be a growing relationship with everything important around us and those who choose to join in.

I would love for you to invite your own family and friends to this year long challenge with our phones. You can do that by sharing this link:



Our monthly challenges are ONLY for SUBSCRIBERS. To encourage others to join in the fun, just share the link above and they will get their own prompts delivered to their email.

It is going to be a GREAT year of capturing life, laughter and love!

February Prompt

Download the February 2015 Challenge Here to Get Started!

20 Tips For Improving Your Instagram Photos

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The 20 Bloggers who are behind this challenge are worked together to share
20 Tips to Improve Your Instagram Photos with you, as a FREE gift for joining us on this journey through 2015. Click here to download your copy!

I can't wait to see you over on INSTAGRAM!
