KMP Tag Line 2016

Legacy Portraits and Modern Stories and Homeschooling.

Wait! What? I'm supposed to only be known for those first two... but that last one has taught me so much this month...

There is a natural progression toward self learning that develops in our home learning environment. And that is a beautiful thing! We have always taught that learning and serving are both lifelong endeavors so we celebrate when we see transitions in independence!

But it also stings a bit. Lorien is almost 12, has a vocabulary that rivals any adult, is endlessly curious and truly loves to learn. She also needs me less. Or needs me differently I suppose.

Tiernan is almost 6, still gets caught sucking his fingers, is a little sneaky and would always rather cuddle than work. So when he said he was ready to learn to read, my heart broke a little inside. Each day, we snuggle up, just one on one, in the routine that has become so precious to my momma's heart. He needs me right there, right then, sounding out and modeling for him. But he won't need me this way much longer.

I'm trying to navigate why teaching my fourth child to read is making me tear up at every family portrait on display in my home. Tugging at my heart at each old video or post Facebook reminds me of. Making me feel so tender inside at what should be joyous... but has a rough edge to it.

What makes our images so important? All that emotion tangled up inside me right now only increases the value of those memories... and just as I wondered how I could ever love four babies at once, I wonder how much more of them growing up my heart can possibly handle.

It is beautiful. And heart wrenching. And the delight does not outweigh the cranky each day... but it certainly outweighs it year by year.

These are modern stories, these glimpses into a family right where they are, and it is why I create with such passion. I can't wait to tell your family's story this year. Contact me today to ask about a complimentary session and let's create a portrait that you will always value... even when it makes your eyes water...



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Now booking limited portrait sessions and painting commissions for 2018. Please contact me or call me today at 515-994-2383 to reserve yours!

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