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Shabbat Table

Dear Friend,


by Nechama Dina Zwiebel
Teacher and Healer at the first JGU Leadership Retreat for Women!

The delicate satin roses atop the table runner completed the finest decor
That graced the Shabbos tables in 12 Thompson Hill, on Friday Morn.
The air, thick with anticipation and promise, and Shabbos cooking aromas so divine,
Every detail so carefully attended to is what greeted us and beckoned us
A delicious array of fresh vegetables other salad options for each of us to individualize,
And rolls with all kinds of spreads lay before our eyes.

As we sat down to enjoy the delectable repast,
Enthusiastic chatter was heard as we met old friends and made new ones- ones that are sure to last.
After we ate our fill, To leave all our worries and concerns in the open pretty box, we were invited,
Then a symbolic gift box we were given, preparing ourselves to receive new gifts - we were delighted.
Our first gift was immediately granted through Susan Axelrod, JGU strategic Advisor, who shared with us ( the four Cs - A Confident coaching tool)
A Challah aromatic meditation and blessings with ND Zwiebel,
And an eye makeover with Krina were two more gifts to re-energize our fuel.

Then off to our hotel accommodations to prepare for the Shabbos Queen.
When we returned and kindled the Shabbos lights, our faces just as the candles did gleam.
Singing songs from "One More Light" and "Voices in Harmony" voices raised in harmony,
As we each shared and prayed, we began to weave the tapestry.
The tantalizing smells and tastes of our Shabbos meals accompanied our heartfelt conversations.
ND Laber shared her story, and ND Zwiebel and Laura Melnikoff shared their stories about Niggunim ( Chassidic melodies) infused us with inspiration.
Even dessert - the heart-shaped jelly - filled cookies on the platter
Represented a heart opening experience where we laughed and teared up, and learned that our desires do matter.

Chavi Goldberg, Shabbos day helped us truly understand the meaning behind "Parshas Zachor."
Giving us the historic background, deeper dimensions of clarity around this custom, we were left wanting more.
Another delicious meal was prepared for us to enjoy and as the backdrop for more new connections.
As we got to know our new friends more through authenticity, absorbing from them new life lessons
The Self Discovery workshop led by ND Zwiebel gave us a new self-perception
We supported each other's visions and embraced new possibilities with focused intentions.
Empowered and uplifted, we rested before joining the third meal together during the holiest of Shabbos hours
Learning that a state of tranquility and peaceful calm can be accessed even through the week and can truly be ours.

The highlight of the JGU year, the 5th Shine Your Light Global Celebration
this time held in the new JGU home was very professional
Chaviva and Chana Brocha's rich voices uplifted us with memorable songs, in tribute to those who received JGU awards for being exceptional.
Laura, so talented on her Cello, and Mirele shared with us with her touching composition.
Both words and melody, originals, to share her passion for Torah with her dear children.
We danced and sang, truly celebrating another successful year at JGU
And seeing the impact of JGU education on past Alumnae, Mazal, and Helena, our commitment to inspiring leadership in all Jewish Women, we did renew.
Sunday morning, another delicious breakfast awaited us, with Rabbi Laber's freshly squeezed juice, paninis, hot omelets and more,

Next, Chana Cotters creative painting workshop was in store.
Although many of us were a novice, Chana eased our discomfort with patience and guidance, and many masterpieces emerged,
Our passion, inspirations, and future hopes and dreams into the paintings merged.
Tying everything together, we closed the retreat with a unifying activity,
As old and new friends bonded even further, we truly wove the tapestry!

Thank you Nechama Dina Laber for actualizing your vision of empowering Jewish girls worldwide,
and producing such a fantastic team of leaders to instill Jewish pride.
Thank you Susan for seeing this and believing in ND's dream,
As the Strategic Global Advisor, you and Nechama Dina Laber make a powerful and effective team!!

Illustrated by talented Artist Chana Cotter, the most exquisite Aishes Chayil deck of cards we received,
Nechama Dina Laber explained how through the JGU lens this holy song we can perceive,
She shared her story of how she transformed her irritation into a beautiful Pearl,
When she created a vision for a New Retreat Home for every Jewish woman and girl
The actualization of this dream for ND Laber serves as an empowering inspiration

For each of us women to articulate our vision and dream and anticipate its fulfillment with exhilaration!

With blessings for a Shabbat Shalom!
Nechama Laber & Team JGU

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Register today for the Summer Leadership Retreat!!

Click Here to Register girls ages 9-16

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