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Spotlight on Living Life @ 300%!


Today’s Spotlight will continue on about a new journey that I am on. Over the past month or two, there have been some changes, personally and professionally, mostly for the good. Change is good- it allows negatives to release and positives to receive. I am excited for this journey and excited to take you along with me.

There have been many choices that I’ve consciously made in regards to The Master Key Experience.

Let’s start from the beginning…
I made a choice to meet up with my friend and colleague, Maria, on a sunny afternoon. Amongst catching up, talking about our businesses, etc., Maria brought up a Mastermind group that she had joined last year and she thought that it would be good for me to join when applications were being accepted. I did find it interesting, as she told me about her experiences, and what stuck out was the “do it now” statement that played a huge part of launching her idea of making, marketing, and selling her homemade vodka tomato sauce.

I made a choice to research the information of MKE once applications were available, watch 3 videos, etc.

I made the choice to pay $1 and apply for the Pay-It-Forward Scholarship.
Once my application was approved, I made a choice to accept it and move forward with this program.

I made the choice to purchase the binders, 2 copies of “The Greatest Salesman in the World”, colored pencils (I already had them, but I had to find them), and packets of index cards.

I made a choice to get on the pre-start MKE meeting.

I made a choice to block off Sunday afternoons from 4-7pm and Mondays 7:30-8:30pm on my scheduler. If I wasn’t able to make the meeting, I made a choice to watch it the very next day.

I made the choice to do the following exercises:
• Write out my first Definite Major Purpose (DMP) and send it to my guide. Repeat it 3 times daily. I made the choice to rewrite/edit my DMP weekly and send it in.
• Hand write the Blueprint Builder (BPB) and repeat it 3 times daily.
• Read Scroll 1 3 times daily. Crossing out the “will” going into the third week.
• Find my PPNs and write them on the index cards as directed. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Write “I promise to” and “I always keep my promises” on the index cards as directed. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Write out my chores/services with corresponding shapes and colors. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Write out my DMP movie trailer on an index card. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Write out the exercises that I promise to do. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Repeat “Do it now” 25x, 3 times daily.
• Now, wrote out “The Law Of Giving (and Receiving) and repeat it 3 times daily.
• Repeat “I can be what I will to be” 20x. Repeat it 3 times daily.
• Read “The Master Keys” daily and do sit exercises.
• Write a blog and post weekly.

I made the choice to do positive habits.

I’m making the choice to do the exercises for upcoming sessions.

I made the choice to download and use the Kajabi and Marco Polo apps.

I made the choice to listen to each Marco Polo message and respond as needed and actually do my own live messages.

And, finally, I made the choice to PIF for next year’s MKE group.

These are all positive choices that will develop me going forward and will allow my goals and dreams to manifest.

Keep in mind that not making a choice is still making a choice...

Stay tuned for next week!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.

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Len Diana
An Infinite Abundance, LLC
Hartford, CT
--- Wealth, Health, & Happiness- Living Life at 300%! ---
* Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner- specializing in helping those affected by stress and Autoimmune Disorders on a physical, mental, and emotional level using a light touch/no touch form of energy healing.
* For more information about Reiki Energy Healing and other services and products that I offer, including Tapping Into Wealth Coaching, doTERRA Essential Oils, Sound and Crystal Healing, please go to my website at www.aninfiniteabundancellc.com
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