WELCOME TO BLOOM Bloom is all about our personal ability to grow and transform . The benefits of interaction with others can help you to connect and



Bloom is all about our personal ability to grow and transform . The benefits of interaction with others can help you to connect and become more of who you truly are. We're all about helping you to become the best version of yourself.

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cross-cultural issues

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The balance of allowing each other space


Space is important for us and it tells us a lot about what is important to us.
The space we occupy, the space we need, the space we envy, the space we feel good in…

‘Give me some space to think about that’ or ‘I need a breathing space before I can take that on’.

What space do you take up in your relationship, family, work?

Are you in general somebody who takes up a lot of space?

How much space do you need, want and think you deserve?

How does the outer space affect your inner space?

What I liked so much about living in Africa was the vast space we had and the never-ending views! Keeping that feeling while living in a dense city is challenging!
When living in a city, having space becomes a luxury.
As we all know the outer environment has an influence on our mood and way of thinking.

What do you like most: full spaces or empty spaces?

Space & Emptiness


I do not associate emptiness with loneliness, I associate emptiness with space and room to decide and plan, in real connection with myself and the world around me. Space and emptiness mean to me that I do not fill up all the space around me but rather feel the emptiness and connections with the rest of the world. So I can broaden my perspective and leave room for exploring.

For me emptiness gives me room to listen to my inner self and make decisions accordingly. Emptiness gives me room to explore so I can expand and create!

Having space gives you a chance to decide on what you really want. It is like a refresh button!

Giving each other space is a gift you give to each other, it gives the other the chance and room to redefine him or herself also in relation to each other.

Allow emptiness to be part of your life so you can bloom!

How you can create psychological space:
* Take time to make a walk in nature, where your view is not limited by buildings
* Empty your mind and make room for new refreshing thoughts
* Free yourself from limited thoughts and beliefs you have about yourself
* Plan me-time, time where you have yourself as your companion.

Text: Sarah Neirinckx
Image: Susanne Ussing and Kenya Hara

Up coming


Core quadrant: key for personal growth
Sunday 17 august 2014, from 10 a.m. until 16 p.m.
For more information, click here
Kernkwadranten: de sleutel tot persoonlijke groei
Zondag 24 augustus 2014, van 10u00 tot 16u00
Voor meer informatie, klik hier



Art Therapy workshop (English only)
On september 21th, the coaches Sarah Neirinckx and Bart Cornille show what art can do for the participants of the workshop African Art Is Therapy.For more information, click here

Art Therapy workshop (Dutch only)
Op 28 september 2014 laten de coaches Sarah Neirinckx en Bart Cornille zien wat kunst kan betekenen voor de deelnemers aan de workshop African Art Is Therapy
Voor meer informatie, klik hier



Enneagram for expats:
Sunday 19 october 2014, from 10 a.m. until 16 p.m.
For more information, click here

Enneagram: Dutch only
Zondag 26 oktober 2014, van 10u00 tot 16u00
Voor meer informatie, klik hier


Lezing:Inspirerende keuzes (dutch only)
Woensdag 15 oktober 2014 om 20.00u.
Waar: I-bar, krugerplein 24, 2140 Borgerhout
Wat wil je en waar kies je voor? En wat leveren je keuzes je op? Ontdek het in een inspirerende lezing door dr. Brenda Casteleyn
Voor meer informatie, klik hier
Bloom in cocreation with Keu6


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