IMG 2791

Adoption: re-writing life stories

tigistu and boys

Eight adoptions from our orphanage so far this year! We are planning our next adoption seminar to continue envisioning the Church in Ethiopia to lead the way in changing the deeply entrenched cultural skepticism toward adoption. Our Mana Gammachuu (Joyful Place) orphanage is achieving our goal to place every abandoned child under our care in a Christian forever family, but more work is necessary to see adoption become a normal societal trend. Visit three adoptive families with incredibly uplifting stories here.

Tables, pencils and paper

Literacy 1

Tables, pencils and paper? What is noteworthy about providing that for a school? But this ‘school’ is not traditional and has been birthed out of great need. In 12 of 18 villages where we have established churches, there is no school at all. Missionaries started teaching children to read with nothing more than a blackboard and masses of children of all ages sitting on benches. The literacy classes now have an upgrade with tables, pencils and paper and classes limited to 50 children ages 8-12.

No electricity? No problem!

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Unable to read? No electricity? There is a wonderful solution for both: solar charged audio bibles. Bringing audio bibles to those unable to read was a highlight of Joy’s trip in April. Skepticism, followed by surprise, blossoming into huge smiles of joy – all emotions were reflected on the faces of the dear people hearing God’s Word in their tribal language from a little box held in their hands. Now they can internalize God’s Story anytime they wish in the privacy of their home … although many enthusiastically stated, “I’m going to invite my neighbors to listen, too!”

Thank God for rain!

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Parts of Ethiopia have been in the terrible grip of drought for several years, but this spring the rains came to villages where we work. What a huge relief! It will take some time to build up livestock herds again and recover from the death toll left in the wake of famine, but rain and growing crops bring hope for better days to these agrarian societies. Read more here

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