Life Center-001

Preparing people for the Second Coming of Jesus, while learning how to LOVE on this earth!

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By Pastor Harold
"America's # 1 Failure Expert"

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak.Not to act is to act!" -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer.


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Steve Jobs-Limited Time

We are committed to reaching people for the Kingdom of God! We believe Jesus is coming soon! It's impossible to share with you the number of letters we receive from people who are following God as a result of the ministry of "Chats with God" and the more than 1/2 million people we are connected to via social media. Simply amazing stories!

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By check - "LIFE CENTER" - OR "LIFE CENTER 247, Inc" - 30251 Golden Lantern Suite E 232 - Laguna Niguel, CA 92677

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September 8, 2017


Dear Friend:

I never fully appreciated the value of being in a self-supporting, independent ministry until I did it 10 years ago. I never imagined my faith and trust in God would grow so dramatically. The comfort of getting a check every month created a sense of predictability. Yes, it created a sense of comfort. But now, no more.

First, I want to apologize for not having communicated with you for almost 4 months. I miss you. I pray for you every single morning.

Second, tithes and donations have really gone down. I understand. We are not having church, I have not been writing "Chats with God," and you probably thought, "This guy gave up!" NO WAY! I am more full of energy than ever before. God has enlarged my vision during this time of recess. It has been good for me to review the future. The best days to reach people for the Kingdom of God are ahead.

We will be back with regular services by November. Pray for a location. And please... Continue to support our ministry with your tithes and donations because I continue to reach out to marriages in trouble, I continue to call people, I continue to respond to e-mails and messages from the half million people we are connected with via social media. I consider that crowd a huge church. I continue to visit people in hospitals, I continue to call people who reach out because they are dealing with issues... ministry HAS NOT STOPPED for a moment. I need your financial support to continue being a Pastor and God's messenger.

These are some of the things I have been working on as we prepare for 2018

1) Sermonic year for 2018. I am lining up a phenomenal number of guest speakers. I will announce the theme of 2018 when we meet in November.

2) Community service. I want to see "Life Center" as a "first response community" for people who face catastrophes like the recent fires in the Glendale area. We will be looking for a place where we can store canned food, water, blankets, inflatable mattresses, Bibles for distribution when a disaster strikes.

3) Social justice. I plan to speak to Pastor Todd Leonard who is Senior Pastor at Glendale City Church, and they have a phenomenal program rolling. I don't believe in reinventing the wheel, but rather cooperate and affirm what is already successful.

4) Establish a student fund to help young people who desire to get an education to serve the world in the future.

5) Two mission trips to poor areas of the world to preach and serve with a medical team. We would like to see Doctors, nurses, dentists, eye doctors, plastic surgeons, and nutritionist to help people with health and lifestyle.

Today I want to address what's going on in our world. Even a casual observer knows things are not good. Today I read a post in Facebook written by a man who is probably an atheist, an agnostic, a secular humanist, or a Christian who has been burnt by twisted, religious explanations and anthropomorphic theological views of God.

He posted an article and this was his comment.

"Ok, so "Harvey" was God's punishment for a homosexual Major in Houston... God must have been really pissed... Now "Irma, Jose and Katia," atr the three hurricanes churning in the Atlantic basin... Looks like God's got a beef with D'ohnald Judas tRump! I wonder what God will do next?"

That post really got me going...

Because the "god" this man is describing is the "god" of Pat Robertson, the "god" of Franklin Graham, the "god" of theologies such as legalism, prosperity and reward...the "god" of the 5 fallen religions of the world, including the Christian religion... the "god" of Pastors who go to the oval office to pray for the President while holding racist, homophobic, islamophobic, sexist, xenophobic views, standing against help to the poor, the sick, the refugees, the immigrants... They see evil, they pray to some "god," and read the portions of the Bible they choose, but turn their faces in another direction. Their "god" is a schizophrenic, temperamental, bipolar, erratic, "wrathful-but he loves you," kind of "god." Wow...

Here was the article posted regarding the storm approaching Florida this weekend.

Hurricane scientists have never seen an image like this before


For the first time in modern history, three hurricanes in the Atlantic are lined up in the most dangerous of ways, according to Eric Blake, a hurricane specialist at the National Hurricane Center.



Eric Blake - Verified account

3 hurricanes threatening land simultaneously in the W Atlantic Basin. Never seen anything like this in the modern record #Irma #Jose #Katia

So, what's going on in our world, our planet?

I want to go straight to a message God gave His people living in the time of the end over 2.000 years ago. It is so clear. There is no way you can miss it.

Matthew 24:11-12 (The Message)

“In the confusion, lying preachers will come forward and deceive a lot of people. For many others, the overwhelming spread of evil will do them in—nothing left of their love but a mound of ashes."

Here is all you need to know about the "time of the end" to understand what we will be facing in the next few months and years, until God comes back to put an end to the broken condition of this planet.

There are 4 components to this prophecy!


It's not hard to see how God gave us a severe warning about the condition of the global culture. The overwhelming confusion will grow for people who are not following God. Remember this, when you talk to people who are baffled by so many events taking place at the same time at all levels. ACCEPT CONFUSION as a fulfillment of God's prophecy regarding the time of the end. This is the time to let people know God is in control, even if it looks like the planet is out of control. God will not let His people down, even if loved ones perish in natural disasters, or we face losses, and catastrophes. Things will not get better. Confusion will grow all over the globe. The multiplicity of events, the severity of them, will confuse the masses. Look at what's happening in the Atlantic. Never before in history we have seen three hurricanes hurling to land on Florida by the weekend.

Confusion is growing as a result of open lies elevated to a sophisticated instrument to confuse the masses.

Professor of philosophy, Harry Frankfurt, from Princeton University, wrote in 2005 a book that now, looking back was a like a prophetic vision of we are experiencing now 13 years later. I happened to read the book in 2006 and I deeply impressed. The title? "On Bullshit." "On Bullshit" is a brilliant, astute, insightful essay that presents a theory of "bullshit" that defines the concept and analyzes the applications of "bullshit" in the contexts of communication. Frankfurt makes a very interesting distinction between a "lie" and "bullshit." The "liar" cares about the truth and attempts to hide it. The "liar" knows he is lying. If he "liar" is confronted with the truth or the evidence of falsehood he will either feel ashamed or angry. The "bullshitter" on the other side doesn't care if what he says is true or false, but rather only cares whether or not his listener is persuaded to believe him. The "bullshitter" takes convenient lie, turns into his truth, and builds an argument to persuade people that his "truth" is actually true. "Bullshit" moves on to use speech intended to persuade (a.k.a. rhetoric), without regard for truth. People end up believing "bullshit" as truth.

Just tell me for a minute if that is not the political reality we are living in this country.

It's happening with climate change. It's happening with economics. It's happening in the way we are blaming foreigners for crimes and disorderly behavior.

Yesterday the attorney General of the USA, Mr. Jeff Sessions, moved on to explain why the government needs to deport the 800.000 "DREAMERS" from the USA. Most of them, all they know is America. They have received education here, many have joined the armed forces, have gone to the battlefield to defend and protect the interests of the USA. They are loyal to America. A "DREAMER" perished in Houston while trying to help people while he himself was trapped in the flood and died. I have read incredible stories of sacrifice by "DREAMERS."

The reason mentioned by AG Jeff Sessions for these deportations is that these young people bring crime to our cities, they take jobs and resources from American born citizens. That is an absolute liel.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Experts have analyzed the numbers and they have concluded that if all these young people are deported, the American economy will actually suffer. But you see, no one knows anymore what is truth and what is a lie. We are wrapped in political "bullshit" most of the time, distraction, and running away from the real issues. We, Americans, our nation, has been on this path of deception for the last 30 years, moving on through 9/11, and a war which was declared valid on pure lies. The "art of lying" has been turned into a sophisticated "science" or "art," if you please, to produce results, to create wealth for the top 1%, and to confuse the masses.

The entire "hacking" issue we are facing in cybernetics at all levels is creating a difficult time to make a distinction between what is true and what is "bullshit."

Expect confusion to grow exponentially in the next few months and years.


"Religion" is the human attempt to reach, understand, explain, theologize, reason and figure out God. It's a rational human attempt. Religion is a human endeavor to filter reality through an understanding of God. Religion creates systems, institutions, beliefs, doctrines, dogmas based on an anthropomorphic view of God. Thus, the 5 religions of the world.

Religion may serve some good purposes for a while. But everything human in time becomes corrupted and twisted. When religion, morality, culture and politics mix, religion uses power to oppress and force people to follow a certain path of behavior that becomes acceptable. That acceptability is explained as "obedience," and "pleasing" to God. Those who do not follow the same path are considered "infidels," or "subjects to the wrath of God." Thus, hell or heaven.

God is not religious, and He is certainly not a Christian, or a member of any of the 40.000+ denominations under the umbrella of the Christian religion.

RELIGION is not a biblical notion. CHURCH is. "Church" is deeply rooted in the Biblical narrative. CHURCH implies RELATIONSHIPS, and I believe God is into RELATIONSHIPS not RELIGION.

The best example of the difference between RELIGION and RELATIONAL truth was openly manifested by God when He came to this earth and took human form. "Imannuel" was His name, which in Hebrew means, "God with us." ((Matthew 1:23 - The Message) God in the personn of Jesus, was "ZERO" on religion, and "100%" on relationships. All the theological arguments the religious leaders used to demean Him, all the religious, legalistic, theological questions, Jesus turned up-side-down into relational truths.

If you read the Gospels through relational lenses you will find a whole new universe with fresh air, bursting with newness, pregnant with promises, and a dynamic message which radically changes the legalistic, dead propositions religion holds about God. God came down here to relate to humanity in the most profound expression of his love by taking human form, a human body, and saying, "I am here. This is God. I love you. I am one of you! I am not a teaching to be reasoned, I am a reality to be experienced. I am not a doctrine, I am an experience to be caught."

False religion will increasingly become a huge component of the confusion people will experience. You can smell it in the air now. People are increasingly questioning Pastors, preachers, people who represent Christianity and use the Bible for whatever purposes they wish. One of the marks of "false religion," is: "Who is right and who is wrong." Whenever you hear this argument about any issue you are dealing with false religion. In relationships, experience, love and compassion trump "who or what is right and wrong." This is a radical difference between experience God as a religion and as a relationship.

I walked out of the Christian religion 9 years ago to become a follower of God.

These last 9 years have been the best years of my life. God has shown me things in the Bible I never saw before. I was blinded by religion. Now, i have a personal relationship with God and He directs my mind. He speaks to me. He has performed miracles in my life that have simply blown my mind. I am a follower of God. When people ask me what I am, that's my answer. Church? Yes! Church is part of a spiritual discipline we must maintain. But to believe that "church" is attending a meeting inside a building once a week is a mistake. To believe that "church" is a denomination is a mistake also. Specially if the denomination claims to be a part of the Christian religion. "Church" can happen in a home where 5 people get together to study the Bible and pray. "Church" may be a movement to reach secular people such as "Life Center" is. "Church" may be a community outreach when a group of people decide they will help the poor in their community and they become a helping family who prays and studies the Bible together. Every family, father, mother, kids, followers of God should be a "living church."

The breathing reality of CHURCH is a living, dynamic relationship with God, not a body of doctrines, beliefs or dogma.

The heartbeat of "church' (also called the "bride" of God in the Bible) is love, compassion, mercy, affirmation, "living together as one," community, intimacy, and growth. God and church produce "kids" like a marriage. God and church gives birth to the new citizens of the Kingdom of God.

"Church" in the Bible is an extravagantly rich concept. Church is not only called the "bride" of God to signal deep, profound love and intimacy, but it's also called the "body" of God, with Him being the head, the brain, the mind of the "bride."

The "body" concept points to diversity, function, and wholeness. The body manifests "LIFE in the world" created by a relationship with with God and His followers.

Religion is a dead idea when compared to the deeply meaningful, breathing concept of church.

False religion is growing all over our land. False religion is self-contradictory. False religion makes God a "bipolar" god with erratic, temperamental behavior. He punishes people. He rewards and prospers those who become legalistic. Such "god" is not Biblical. It's really the creation of religion.


The spread of evil simply means we will witness the most horrific manifestations of evil in the world. At all levels of the culture, and the human existence, evil will spread like a contagious disease.

The devil uses two strategies to confuse people away from God.



There are 3 theological marks of false religion which seduce people:

1) Legalism.
2) Prosperity.
3) Reward.

Everything false about religion will be found in those three branches of theology. Why? Because they produce human results. "If you can produce results by using God's principles why not?," false religion says. The reality is that you can use God's principles and teachings to produce human, tangible, idolatrous results, while still not experiencing a relationship with God, and not being transformed from within.

I know a 110 year old lady.

She is still moving, biking, driving and very active. She eats the right food. She abstains from everything that could cause problems in her body. She is very disciplined. She seems to be full of life. I couldn't believe my eyes when I asked her how old she was. I said, "Wow... what drove to you to be this way?" She said, "My religion," and she went on to tell me what denomination she was a member of. She described her practice and behavior as a "religion-based-life-style" to live a long life. I was impressed.

A few weeks later I met someone to whom I mentioned I had met this lady and I said her name. He looked at me with a funny face... and he said, "Do you know her?" I said, "Well, I don't know her well. I was just very intrigued with her age and her lifestyle. If I can get to that age being energetic and full of life it would be great, because I love life!" The guy smiled... looked at me and said under his breath... "I rather live 10, 20 years less, and be a loving person than to live to be 110 and be as nasty as that little lady... She is tougher than a nail..." We both laughed... He noticed I was shocked.... But not really... I did not know the 110 year old lady's heart, and how she came across in relationships. But thinking about it afterwards I said.... "Hm... I was admiring her age and vitality... But there was no indication she was in love with God... May be my friend was correct..."

What's my point?

You can be seduced to do some great things using God's principles and gifts, and still not be transformed by His grace, His love, and His power. You can do all the right things and become very wealthy. That doesn't mean you will be kind and generous. In fact the devil loves to seduce people with "God's gifts" to create a selfish life, instead of a purposeful life.


When the devil is done seducing, he then makes people suffer. He takes over in their lives. Demonic forces make people violent. So you will see the spread of evil in the world in the manifestation of violent behavior like you have never seen before.

Suffering will be caused by the breaking down of our planet. Climate change. Extreme meteorological conditions like what we are seeing now. The melting of the ice on the poles. Extreme droughts. Flooding. Torrential rains. Hurricanes. Earthquakes. Temperatures rising. 2016 was the hottest year in the history of planet earth. The spread of diseases. Genetic mutation happening in vegetation, animals, and humans due to the use of chemical substances, medical drugs. The deterioration of the soil is creating the weakening of the nutrients we find in vegetables and fruits.

Suffering will increase at all levels because planet earth was not meant to exist forever under sinful conditions. The environment, all forms of life are deteriorating.

Suffering will increasingly be experienced in cities. Suicide is dramatically on the rise. People can not take it any more. Socio-economic inequality. Racial tension. Hate. Hostility. Homophobia. Xenophobia. Sexism. Misogyny. Discrimination. Abuse. The wealthy and the powerful will grow more and more selfish and greedy. Islamophobia. Resentment against immigrants and refugees is turning them into the culprits of conditions they are not responsible for.


Just imagine for a moment what will happen in our culture and around the world if demonic forces would take over in the lives of most people, and as result of it, they stop loving. Parents will hate their kids. Kids will hate their parents. Husbands will stop loving their wives. Wives will not able be able to love their husbands. Politicians will grow cold and will not able to exercise love and compassion. Imagine a world populated by people like "Hitler" at one level or another. Imagine a world populated by people who only care about themselves. Imagine a city, a community where almost everyone turns into a psychopath, a sociopath, a narcissist, impulsive, violent, and selfish person. Imagine the human jungle where survival of the fittest is all that matters. It's a dark picture indeed.

The future will not be glorious and brilliant according to this prophecy from God. Most people will not be able to love and be loved. Expect to see the world turning into a nest of hate, antagonism, hostility, and unexplainable level of violence.

Last week here in Los Angeles two men met inside a 7/11 store, open 24 hours a day, at 2:00 in the morning. They did not know each other. One started to steal products from the shelves. The other was paying for some merchandise he had purchased. The cashier observed the man who was pocketing bars and some other items and called his attention. The man paying, stopped the cashier, walked to the guy that was stealing merchandise and said to him, "Get whatever you need and I will wait to pay for it. Don't worry!" So they both met at the front of the store by the cashier and the good man paid for everything the other man was trying to steal.

The "bad" man exited the store first. The outside cameras caught the entire action inside and outside the store. They were reviewed by the police later on. The "good" man exited the store a few minutes later and walked to his car. Suddenly as he was unlocking his car he was hit by an ax... Yes, an ax... An iron ax... He was hit on his head and several parts of his body. He fell to the ground and was bleeding profusely. Imagine getting hit by an ax. The operator of the store was shocked as he watched the scene developed in a 60 seconds or less. He called the police. The paramedics and the ambulance arrived and rushed the bleeding man to the hospital. As of yesterday he was in "stable" condition though it was not known if he would survive. The police was able to apprehend the other man by the morning.

You and I will see these scenes more and more. When demonic power take over in the lives of people who have rejected to be loved by God, Christians, non Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, all different kinds of people will lose their ability to love. Religion will not make anyone loving. Only God can do that. When humans lose their ability to love and express compassion they are at the mercy of their most primal, primitive emotions. People turn selfish. People turn to alcohol and drugs to numb their senses. People lose a sense of compassion. People use people for their own purposes. Community and decency as we know it today will evaporate. Like God said in the prophecy of matthew 24:12, LOVE will turn into ashes, nothing left of it. This is, for followers of God, a dark scene to be aware of.

Tomorrow: "What Is The Mark Of God's Followers In The Time Of The End?"

Let GOD LOVE you FIRST, then LIVE LOVED, while learning to LOVE God, yourself, and the people of your world!

Pastor Harold


NO "Life Center," - Entire month of SEPTEMBER. We will let you know the date when we will meet again - Next gathering: Saturday (TBA) - 6:00 PM


One thing for sure: "Life Center" services will be on Saturday evening like before! We heard the message loud and clear! Nothing wrong with wanting to sleep longer on Sabbath morning! In fact, that's very good! No more RUSHING TO CHURCH anymore! Over!


Read about "Life Center" journey for the last 8 years, and what our needs are now, as we look for a new location due to construction around CPK, Burbank. The location, the parking, the food, the service, and the people traffic, up to 3 weeks ago was phenomenal. The 9:00 AM time was killing most of us! Lol! So, we are on a venture: Pasadena, Glendale, Hollywood area. Please let us know if you know of a place. Click here to read about "Life Center" and the profile of a location we are looking for at the end of the post



@ "Life Center" we want you to live a healthy, energetic, dynamic life in all fronts. HEALTH matters to your own happiness and the those around you.

This is a very impressive, simple list of foods in the Bible. Well documented. Click on the image to get the front page that will allow you to subscribe for free. It's a PDF file.

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