ED. Notes: We just received the following email from Bread for the World and it brought to mind what a middle school student in Maine said to us after


Eric Mitchell

ED. Notes: We just received the following email from Bread for the World and it brought to mind what a middle school student in Maine said to us after a presentation we made at her school.

_This young student (probably by now in graduate school) said, "If I do something, maybe someone else will do something." _

We have responded to this notice from BREAD in the hope that you will do something by adding your voice to getting the Global Food Security Act passed into law.

Dear Laurence,

We are so close to getting the Global Food Security Act passed into law! The House Foreign Affairs Committee has just passed the Senate's version of the Global Food Security Act (S. 1252), and now it's time for the House to vote.

Call (800-826-3688) or email Carolyn B. Maloney today. Urge Carolyn B. Maloney to support the Global Food Security Act (S. 1252)!

Both chambers of Congress have passed their own versions of the Global Food Security Act. However, in order for the act to become law — and for Feed the Future to become a permanent program — the House must pass S. 1252, the Senate's version.

This is the final push to enact this legislation, which will affect millions of hungry people around the world. Call (800-826-3688) or email your representative today and urge them to pass the Global Food Security Act (S. 1252).

Your faithful advocacy has gotten us this far. Call (800-826-3688) or email Carolyn B. Maloney today, and help push the Global Food Security Act of 2016 past the finish line!

Eric Mitchell leads the work in developing and articulating Bread’s positions on policy, legislative goals, and lobbying strategies for achieving its goals with Congress and the administration.

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