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My Ten Favorite Features to Look For in Your Next Kitchen Appliances (Especially #6 and #8!)

It's hard to believe that it's been about three months since we finished our it-took-forever kitchen remodel! For weeks I was constantly reorganizing where things went and looking at my appliance manuals to figure out how certain features work but now I'm in the groove with a space that feels like "us".

Since finishing our remodel, I've gotten lots of questions about choosing kitchen appliances (with so many options out there, it's hard to pick!) so I thought it might be helpful to share some of my favorite features of our new appliances. Some of my favorites are ones I was specifically looking for when appliance shopping like a fridge with the perfect combination of ample storage space plus a streamlined appearance:

Other favorites are unexpected ones that I actually lucked into and hadn't even known to look for like being able to get important appliance notifications via an app!:

So whether you're about to embark on a kitchen remodel of your own or you just want to take a peek at some of the newest appliance features in case one of yours unexpectedly dies, I hope you enjoy today's post!


Favorite Finds

There are so many great fall and holiday items out now! This fuzzy pom pom throw is under $30 this weekend and ships free!

My daybed is at it's lowest ever price - 40% off! It's one of the best purchases I've made - love the style of it and it's been great having an extra bed for guests around busy times like the holidays.

I just ordered these drop earrings and matching bracelet - I had been eyeing them and saw they're now 40% off. Perfect for the holidays but versatile enough for everyday occasions too!

Love these two sizes of double handled urns for holiday greenery! On big sale plus ship free today!

Hope you're enjoying a beautiful fall Sunday!


Kris in 500
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